- Negativityby LoAnn Beery
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everyone is so negative. 10-8-11-9
Negativity by LoAnn Beery
Write a Poetic Rant contest entry
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

Lately, I've noticed a terrible trend;
I'm not sure just when this began.
I only know talking to friends anymore,
Irritates me like nothing else can

It seems that whatever the subject is-
Immediate backlog ensues-
Of such built up resentment and argument,
That what "I" think is wrong (by their views).

Like yesterday,I was just saying-
To a group of dear friends at church,
That I just loved the old hymns we were singing;
It was fun to find them in our search.

But several of them didn't like them.
They said,"Who wants old songs to sing?"
They failed to see value in God's history,
And the memories each song would bring.

Or sometimes, it's choosing a restaurant.
You'd think everyone could agree.
However, some people just need to argue,
Which leaves us with canned Chef Boyardee.

I wish people wouldn't be negative.
If only agreement could be!
I guess since people argue to hear themselves-
My one thought is I'm glad it's not me.

Author Notes
The rhyme scheme is 10,8,11,9
Life is too short to be negative all the time( did that sound negative?) lol
Thank you, Seshadri for your illustration.


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