- A Jerusalem Springby William Stephenson1
This work has reached the exceptional level
Jesus' last Spring befoe his death.
A Jerusalem Spring by William Stephenson1

The earth is giving birth again,
and it is Springtime.
Trees burst into bloom, 
And the air
has become warm and sweet,
as if God was breathing on me again,
as God did on that first morning of the world.
But it is hard to turn my thoughts
to death and dying 
during Springtime,
and meditate on the meaning 
of the cross.
It is painful to think of Jesus,
who loved this life
as few ever had.
Being confronted with dying
just when the hills 
were alive with flowers.
I think of Jesus
breathing once more 
the fragrance of Spring
before he dies.
I remember all this,
and deep in the depths of my soul
I know this Man spoke
for all the love
I have always longed for, 
But not enough to give 
my trust to.
I know this Man
spoke for all the truth
I have always wanted to hear
but not enough to live by. 
O God, 
let the winter-time
of my despair dissolve, 
that I may stand once more
beneath his cross
and breathe his promise.


Author Notes
This week we celebrate the beginning of Spring followed by Palm Sunday. A very rare
combination. Many of my poems were written with one of my patients. For this poem, Bill L. helped me write this poem. He was just 26 when he died of AIDS. Thank you, Bill, for helping me write this poem in the midst of your passion.


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