- The Neglected Robotby HarryT
This work has reached the exceptional level
Thanks to the children, he was renewed.
The Neglected Robot by HarryT
    Robot Camelot Contest Winner 

Field Hand 2 was one of four farming robots, who tended the fields on the Oak Ridge farm. He was charged with taking care of the West Field. Once shiny silver his chassis was now speckled with brown and red rust. His processor once very efficient, became sluggish due to the farmer’s neglect. Yet, Field Hand 2, still tried to do his best under the relentless sun, planting corn, weeding the field, watering when needed and tending to the sprinklers when they were in need of repair.  

Farmer Meade, the owner of the Oak Ridge farm was a gruff, penny-pinching man. He treated Field Hand 2 with disdain. He never bothered with regular maintenance. Field Hand 2, programmed with unwavering loyalty, blamed himself. He worked and worked, ignoring the squeaks and screeches in his joints, always pushing himself to his limits.

One sweltering afternoon, Field Hand 2 dragged an irrigation pipe across the field with the intent of repairing a leak in the line. It was too much; he felt a hot flash and his processor shorted. He fell over, helpless in the field.

Framer Meade was angry when he looked into the field and didn’t see Field Hand 2 hard at work. He climbed onto his tractor and drove to the field. When he saw the robot, he swore and yelled, "Broken down again, you useless piece of junk!"

The robot could hardly turn his head and said, “Master, please help me, I want to finish my job.” Instead of helping, Farmer Meade kicked the robot mercilessly causing dents in his metal body and left him in the scorching sun.

Days passed. The other robots were made to do Field Hand 2’s work. But they couldn’t keep up with their own tasks. The once booming corn crop began to wither. Farmer Meade was desperate, and realized the severity of the situation. However, when he searched the Internet he found a new field hand would be very expensive, so, he decided to order replacement parts.

Unknown to Farmer Meade, a group of curious children began a search for Field Hand 2. They had heard stories about the "abandoned robot" at Sunday school. After they searched two other farms, they decide to try Oak Ridge. As the children tramped about the farmer’s field a glinting sunbeam bounced off Field Hand 2’s chest. Sally, a chipper 11 year old, noticed the flash and ran in its direction. She came upon the robot, his red antenna light barley flickering. The other kids caught up to Sally.

She said, "Look, I think he's trying to tell us something!"

One of the boys, Mickey, by name, touched two exposed wires together and to the kids surprise Field Hand 2 raised his head and one arm flinched.

He spoke in a raspy, staccato voice.  "Th-th-thank you," he croaked, “Please tell my master, I need repair.”

The children cheered and danced about thrilled to have revived the old robot.

Sally asked the robot, "What’s your name?” Field Hand 2, told his name.

Then Sally asked, “How come you are alone out here all alone?"  He said, “I think the farmer doesn’t like robots, he doesn’t take care of us.”

Maggie, a girl friend of Sally said, “You need a better name.” 

All the children agreed. They began to call out names: Iron Man, and Harry Hand were mentioned. Then Jay, Mickey’s brother said, “Hey, how about R2 – F2, like the guy in Star Wars only with an F instead of a D.”

Field Hand 2 was listening and said, “I like Harry Hand, because it sounds a little like the old me. I work hard, I am a field hand and I’m proud of my service, even if Farmer Meade doesn’t appreciate me. I am programed to be loyal.”

The newly named Harry Hand said he needed some new parts. He said, “Sally and you other kids, think your parents might have some parts and wires in their tool sheds?”

Sally shouted, “C’mon, kids, let go see.”

The kids scurry to their homes and told the story of the robot to their parents. Sally’s dad said he thought that he had some parts that might work.

Sally said, “Dad, didn’t Uncle Max help repair robots, before he became an electrical engineer?”

“Yes, he did. I’ll give him a call,” her father said.

Mickey, Maggie and the other children rounded up all the parts their parents had to share and with the adults hurried to help Harry Hand. Uncle Max looked over the abused robot and said, “This won’t be easy, but I think I can help.”

He replaced the burnt-out circuits, oiled Harry’s rusted joints, and cleaned his dusty filters.  It was slow work, filled with trial and error, but his work was fueled by the children determination to see Harry on his feet again.

Just before the orange sherbet sun was about to sink behind Farmer Meade’s barn, Uncle Max soldered two last wires together and Harry’s entire body lurched back to life. He moved his arms and legs with newfound ease, the red light on his antenna glowed brightly.  The children erupted in cheers, shouting, “Uncle Max did it! Uncle Max did it! Harry Hand is alive again.” The children sanded the rust spots off Harry's body and repainted him with silver spray paint.

News of Harry’s (nee Field Hand 2) revival reached the farmer.  The children marched with Harry to the farmer’s house. When he heard the noise outside, Farmer Meade walked out onto his porch, expecting to see a battered malfunctioning machine.  But what he saw left him speechless.  Harry stood tall, no longer a broken-down heap, a testament to the children's hope, Uncle Max’s ingenuity and a few cans of spray paint.

Farmer Meade offered the children a reward.  Sally speaking for the group said, “The only thing we want is for you to take better care of Harry from now on.” 

Farmer Meade looked at the robot and said, “So, it's Harry now. Well okay, I’m sorry for treating you badly. I will see to it you are always in full repair.”

Harry said, “I am a loyal worker and that is all I ask.”

Then he turned to the children and got down on one knee and bowed, a gesture of deep appreciation from a machine reborn.

The farmer’s fields once again flourished under Harry’s care. Farmer Meade learned that loyalty needs to be rewarded with kindness and care.  Harry Hand became a mentor to the children sharing his knowledge of farming. Farmer Meade made good on his promise keeping Harry in full working order by providing him with a complete check-up and needed repair every year.

Robot Camelot
Contest Winner

Author Notes
Oh though this story is fiction, it may be a true story in the not too distant future.


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