- God's Timeby Treischel
This work has reached the exceptional level
ABCB Rhyming in Trochaic Meter
Commentary and Philosophy
: God's Time by Treischel


God doesn’t measure time the way that we do.

It is very hard for us to comprehend.

Multidimensional time is most unusual.

Having neither a beginning nor an end.


Speeds at which He sees are infinitesimal.

Faster than we can know as nanoseconds,

At the same time stretching out for all epochs.

A dichotomy to which only Deity responds.


So creation may have been in picoseconds,

As where trillions represent our human days,

While enactment stretched out over many eons.

All His time seen in an Alpha and Omega gaze.


God knows every past and future all at once

And He answers 16 billion prayers a day,


Think of evolution for just a minute.

God’s thoughts progressing at incremental speed

Sets in place the progression of each species

Activated in their proper places as decreed.


Fancy evolution passing through His mind,

Smiling as new nuances are imagined

From amoebas to the birds then unto humans

As experiments are tried and then refined.


All creation happening in an instant

As he ponders all the possibilities

History stretched between the pages of all time

To greet Darwin’s conjured up eventualities.


God knows every past and future all at once

And He answers 16 billion prayers a day.


Author Notes
Can Creation and Darwin be compatible? Here is my feeble attempt to reconcile them. Yes, I know there are not 16 billion people on the earth today, but I do recognize that many pray more than once. I portray evolution coming as a WHOOSH to Him, but activated over human time to us. Speaking as refining as He creates, I sure am glad He moved off utters when coming to humans.
This poem is structured as a series of abcb rhymed quatrains and a repeating couplet. The meter is a mix mostly 11 or 13 syllables and a couple 12 's snuck in.


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