- Jackie and Shadows Saga (cont)by tempeste
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vids below of the two lovers
Jackie and Shadows Saga (cont) by tempeste
3-5-3 writing prompt entry

talons crossed
they did the deed on
New Year's Eve

Writing Prompt
Write a poem that has the following syllable count. First line has three syllables, second five, the final line has 3 syllables.

Author Notes
For those new to their love story, two years ago Jackie and Shadow were able to raise one eaglet named Spirit.

Last year they were out of luck, the eggs didn't hatch...let's hope this year they become parents again.

I hope their daughter Spirit is doing well.

In the first vid, at the 7.00m mark, you can see the two lovers mating ..I'm excited, I hope we get to see them raising an eaglet this year. last year was a big disappointment.


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