- Veniceby estory
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A metaphor for the decline of culture
Venice by estory

Like a fantastic dream fading away on the wings of the night,
Venice is slowly sinking into the deepening sea.
And as it sinks into that sea,
It takes all of its beloved treasures with it:
The bronze winged lion in St. Mark's Square 
That once seemed to lord it over the whole Mediterranean world;
The magnifiscent basillica itself
With its fabulous cupollas and spires;
The Murano glassworks;
The Doge's palace, the Rialto bridge
And all the Rennaissance merchant houses
Where the merchants of Venice once stood on their balconies
Admiring it all in a contented rapture.
Now those facades crumbling away along the Grande Canal
Seem like decaying ruins of a legendary era,
The fading notes of a violin
In a dilapitated opera house,
A hazy figure walking off down the street
After the last of the carnival masquerade balls.
The merchants of Venice who built this city
Out of the wealth from the silk road and spice road
Blazed by the journey of Marco Polo
Must have thought all these decorations of culture
Would somehow last forever and ever. 
But then, out of nowhere, came the discovery of the new world,
The voyages of Columbus and Magellan
That shifted the old trade routes away
To London and Lisbon and Amsterdam,
And Venice began its long, slow decline.
So, at long last, the masterpieces of Boticelli and Titian,
The exquisite concertos of Vivaldi
And the romantic cantos of the gondoliers
Waver like reflections on the rising waters
Or glimmer like fading stars,
Flickering candlelight in a forgotten window.
And as we sail away, for the last time,
Leaving the residents to wade through the floods
Outside the museums and the restaurants and the hotels,
Leaving the artisans to sink into the lagoon,
Leaving the last tour guides making a mournful way
Like a funeral procession through the crumbling piazzas,
We have to sigh as Venice slips under the waves
And we hear the last peels of its bells
And the last songs of its carnival revellers,
As we watch the last pidgeons deserting its fountains.
And we have to wonder as we think of its splendor;
Where will we go now?


Author Notes
Some people complained about the difficulty in reading my posts and I hope this new font style will solve that problem. As for the meat and potatoes of this poem; The style is sort of derived from Jack Anderson and his prosy odes on contemporary life, and the substance is an acknowledgement of the decline of western culture. Here the art works are fading, the music is in a dilapitated opera house, the architecture is crumbling into the surrounding waters, much as western culture seems to be getting swallowed up by the tumultuous world around it. The young people don't listen to classical music, its all hip hop and techno pop. They don't watch opera or look at art. They play video games and stare at reality shows on tv. There's a sadness in watching this decline, I think, for the older generation who grew up in this culture, an unsettling feeling of change. An uncertainty of where we are going next. A sense of drifting away from our roots, little by little. But there is also a sense of the inevitability of change, of the necessity of change. The world has been changing since it began, and do we really want to sit like stones in the stream, watching the world move passed us? All these things I tried to bring out in the images and voice of this poem. This is the lead off piece of Ruins, and I look forward to your comments. estory


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