- broken circleby thoughtgame2
This work has reached the exceptional level
My personal 911 moment.
broken circle by thoughtgame2
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

Guarantees I cannot give...
but choices I can.
Not all of your days will be plagued with beauty...
but I'll still be your very best friend.
OfCourse there will be times you...
will feel the need to speak on
the sadness you saw in my eyes.
Please don't!
Allow me the satisfaction of...
remembering how hurt begins.
Take pride in knowing some of the
simplest people in nature are capable...
of hatred in the highest degree!
And yes, my special friend...
one of them, just happens to love me.

Author Notes
When being unhappy is your staying power.
You will never leave.
Thank you fan story family for once again lending me an ear.


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