- Passing of the Stoneby fubars
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A narrative via the central nervous system
Passing of the Stone by fubars

"Hello, this is Thal Mus of Central Nervous News(CNSN) reporting live from our host's brain on day two of, "Passing the Stone."
"As you may recall, we were advised by pain receptors of a possible passage of kidney stones. We continue to send out motor nerve impulses to the infected area in hopes of getting detailed sensory info. Impulses have been erratic and-wait-I'm being informed we have a direct link from the Urinary Tract Area(U.T.A.). We now go live to our sensory reporter Nano Sekond. Hello Nano are you there?"
"Yes Thal, I am here at the U.T.A. and we are learning more about our host's condition. A large calcium stone is lodged in the left kidney. So far there has been no movement, but the pain receptors tell me they are on high pain alert."
"Nano, it seems that our host has had these before. Any reason why?"
"Well Thal, the Frontal Lobe has advised me that our host tends to be dehydrated- especially after working out at the gym. This leads to a decrease in urine volume and the resulting increase in stone forming substances in the urine and  the formation of tghe kidney stone."
"Thanks Nano. We now welcome our resident memory expert, Dr. Hip O. Campus, who can shed some light on why our host is experiencing kidney stones once again. Dr. it is a pleasure to have you back."
"Thanks Thal. My memories of talking to you are always pleasant."
"Now Dr. Camus, we know you are responsible for turning experiences into memories which can aid our host when needed. Yet it seems our host may have erased memories of previous stones."
"Yes Thal, experiences are vital to learning and avoiding repetition of unpleasant situations. Unfortunately, not all experiences are turned into memories. For example,If the experience is unpleasant the filters within my system tend to erase them so our host will not experience such unpleasant memories again".
"I see. Can you tell us the memories of the last kidney stone and inform our readers as to why our host may have erased them?"
"Well, as you know kidney stones can be painful. Unfortunately our host did not have the silent kidney stone which causes no pain and passes without event. This particular one remained in the kidney and grew causing intense pain in the back area. Our host was most uncomfortable.
While the appropriate systems worked diligently to pass such a stone as quickly as possible, it took a few days...."
"If I may Dr., didn't our host attempt outside intervention?"
"Well, no. It seems fear and anxiety associated with outside intervention prevented our host from getting much needed help. That's another memory our host tends to erase and we are hopeful that our host will make strides to acknowledge such feelings without letting them take hold. But I digress"
"We're all guilty of that these days. You know, there have been hints of ADHD in the system and that can make thoughtsspeedupandmaking itdifficult to...organize... and focus-, yes, well what type of help is available Dr.?"
"Unfortunately, our host has not informed us of any possible solutions due to the previously mentioned anxiety and fear. However, the sensory department has informed me that our host spends quite a bit of time with Dr. Merideth Grey  at Seattle Grace Mercy Hospital.Dr. Grey may also be found under "Greys Anatomy" if my impulses are correct. I suggest you contact them for further info."
"We will certainly do that. So you're saying that the past experience was so painful that memories could not be created to remind our host of the consequences of kidney stones? How unfortunate."
"Yes, it is sad. As I understand things, my department is limited in its function when the ego creates fear and anxiety due to pain. It is too bad that pain gets a bad rap as it can be an ally to our host."
"Dr. I am afraid we have run out of time, but I extend an open invitation for you to return. Thank-you for your insight."
"I'd love to come back. Once again pleasant memories Thal"
"We now turn our attention to-wait I am getting a feed from our sensory neurons in the field which are telling me that our host has in fact read some info on kidney stones. The brainstem is reporting a slowdown in respiration and blood pressure. For further info let's now go to our correspondent Den Drite. Den are you there?"
"Yes Thal I am here, and the impulse activity is incredible. Impulses are shooting down the Myelin Freeway at nano-breaking speed. The neurochemicals are flowing freely so the info can continue past the synapse tolls and reach the appropriate parts of the brain."
"Den how does this affect our host and his kidney stone?"
"Well Thal, it looks like our host is beginning to understand what he needs to do in order to help himself and is initiating movement. Visual reports a jacket and car keys in view which suggests a trip out of the living quarters. Movement is slow though, with the pain receptors firing at record breaking spend. Fortunately the pain med center is sending out endorphin reinforcements to offset the pain as best they can."
"Any details on the material our host read to foster all this activity? Is Dr. Grey  involved?"
"Interesting situation here Thal. Dr. Camus had reported memories of Dr. Grey discussing kidney stones just last week. Seems a patient of  Dr. Grey had stones and she created a video of some sort that our host viewed. There is also a Dr.Sheperd involved but to what extent I don't know. At any rate the info passed onto Dr. Camus's sector has been vital in our host initiating movement and  making his way out the door to his car. Will report back when we have a destination."
"Thanks Den. Well it seems that another chapter can be added to our saga. I myself will be interested to learn about these docotrs that have been mentioned. They certainly are playing a major role in this scenario. Now lets go to Nano once again for more info."
"Thanks Thal. In the time since we last impulsed, the Kidney Stone has increased in size and pain receptors are about to go offline. I mean there hasn't been a recording of this magnitude ever. Even the last instance pales in comparison."
"Thanks for the follow-up Nano.Well my friends, I have just been impulsed a report from Den, that our host has made it to the emergency room of a local hospital but still no sign of Dr. Gery or Sheperd. There is a residual impulse of someone called House but not sure their role in all of this. We have reports of outside pain medication being identified in the blood stream which necessitates our signing off for now. We thank-yawn-(excuse me) our in-studio guest Dr. Camus and our-yaaaawn-oh boy these are good pain meds indeed- correspondents in the system. And we thank you all for tuning in. We will broadcast with updates as soon as the conscious allooooooows us."


Author Notes
I wrote and posted this back in 2009 but have added and subtracted some things. Thanks for reading.


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