- Read my Wendy G
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Read my mind.... by Wendy G
80 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

She was driving exactly on the speed limit, ignoring the driver behind who was tail-gating and flashing his lights, obviously annoyed.

As soon as possible, he started to overtake. Drawing level, he lowered his windows, shouted obscenities, and gave a vulgar hand signal. He then sped up.

She wound down her window, attached red and blue flashing police lights, and sounded the siren. Unmarked police car. Fines: "Intimidatory driving, body part outside vehicle, obscenity, and speeding."

She smiled. He didn't.


Author Notes
(81 words)
Tailgating involves driving without a sufficient distance between vehicles.
Driving with hands (or any part of the body) outside a moving vehicle is illegal in all states of Australia and can result in some hefty penalties.
Public obscenities can incur a fine as well.


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