- Pray for My Only Jayby Ricky1024
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Life Long Gone.
"The Gift of Life 2003"
: Pray for My Only Jay by Ricky1024
Artwork by cleo85 at

Follows with Another Amazing and Incredible Journey Entitled,
"My Jay with Me Today?"

"Pray for My Only Jay"
(Knot of Forgot)
Written on April 7th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

I can still remember to this very Day.
14,032 days.
When I was there and My Only Jay?
Yes, I remember when I cut the cord.
Then the whole World.
Yes, the Earth would welcome you aboard!
My Only Jay?
Before you're very moment of Birthing and Conception.
Jay, before the first touch?
Touch and beat of your Heart.
I can still remember way back in the month of November?
336,653 Hours.

Yes, when finally all my Dreams.
All my waiting, waiting for something?
Yes, when and if somebody?
There would finally be somebody to give to me?
Yes, I still remember that passing,
"Ides of March.
To Be or then to Be Knot?
Now as if Past.
Gone but forlorned.
Enclosed tied up in a
"Forget Me Knot of Forgot"
Before there was you
Til soon there would be.
You and me.
Oh how seldom you would smile.
But when you did your smile would light up the World.
Yes, and all the Earth to see?
Yes, I still remember?
Remember to this very day .
My Only Jay.
1 billion.
212 million.
379, thousand
910 seconds.
As if wasted now and spent?
And, now only Guilt and Shame.
Tears appear in Endless Rain.
As drifting clouds gather of grey.
Then when I pray.
Pray for My Only Jay.
All that *Remains?

Author Notes
*Remains: verb
1. continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist.
"a cloister is all that remains of the monastery"
Note: the loss of your child is a father's, worst nightmare.
It's the gift that will continue to give and give and give?
As long as you continue to live?
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
"And, the Beat Goes On!"
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85'
Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Boys are Boys"


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