- part 11by Sylcastillo14
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Neveah battles about what to do about Timothy
Twin Hearts
: part 11 by Sylcastillo14

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Chapter 11

We get in an Uber and end up at a fancy high rise, and I look at Henry in confusion. He takes me by the hand and guides me into the building.

"Is this a hotel?" I ask, looking around.

"No, it's not. Don't get mad, but Toby is letting crash here while baby boy is in recovery."

"Henry! They probably hate me right now." I say with a screech.

"Why would they hate you?"

"I told Timothy I didn't know if I wanted him to have a relationship with the kids." I look at Henry. He's looking at me in disbelief. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You know what, I better get to bed. I'm gonna say something so stupid, and I don't want to fight with you."

"No, say it. You act like this is so easy but it's not!" I yell.

"Neveah, I love you to death, but you're acting like a fucking bitch!"

"Wow, I'm acting like a bitch!

"Neveah, I didn't have a dad growing up you. It was fucking hard for me without a father figure. You know that!"

"I know that, Henry. This is hard for me."

"It's not about you, Neveah. It's about my God, babies!"

"They're my kids Henry," I say through tears.

"They're his kids too." A voice says. I turn to look, and Toby is standing there glaring at me. "He has a right to know his kids. Give him this chance to show you that he'll be a fantastic dad."

"This is so confusing," I cry.

"I know it is, but please do the right thing," Toby says. You can sleep in those rooms there." He points at the closed doors and disappears into his room. My phone rings and I see it's Timothy calling on facetime.

"Is everything okay?" I ask quickly. I notice that he's not in the room with Noah. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the hallway. I had to step out to call you. Noah started breathing over the vent, so Dr. Phillips had it removed."

"That normally doesn't happen until they are awake, right?"

"Correct," he says.

"Is he awake already, Timothy?"
"He is Neveah, and I'm calling because he's crying for you. I'm trying to comfort him, but I'm a stranger to him."

"Please tell me that you didn't tell him." I snip.

"Can you not be rude to me, please? Of course, I didn't say anything." He says, and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry, but this has been so fucking stressful on me."

"Not just you, Neveah. I desperately want to comfort my little boy the way I want but can't. Do you know how fucked up that makes me feel?"

"I'm sorry. Timothy, but I need to figure out what the next steps need to be."

"I hope you don't take too long deciding what to do. The other reason I called is that I told him I would call his mama so he could talk to you."

"Thank you, Timothy," I say with emotion, "Is he in pain? Please tell me he's not."

"No, he's not, but they had to restrain his hands because he was trying to pull out his IV and hurt himself. I gave them permission because I'm his father. I'm sorry, but I needed to."

"No, no, of course. Thank you, Timothy."

"You ready?" he asks, and I nod. He puts the phone down, and I can hear the sliding glass door of Noah's room open. I hear my baby crying, and I start to sob. "Buddy, mama is on the phone. She wants to say hi to you, ready to say hi to mama.

"Mommy," Noah says in a voice I don't recognize. His face is red and blotchy from crying.

"Hi, mi Chulo," I say, trying so hard not to cry.

"Mama, I need you." He cries out. "Mama."

"Baby, I'll be there tomorrow. I promise. Timothy will make sure that you're okay while Mommy can't be there."

"Mama, I'm ouchy," he cries.


"I'm getting Noah some pain medications. I'm just waiting for them to bring it in. It's hard not taking over myself." He chuckles. "Oh, his pain medication is here now. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"This is gonna sound weird, but can you run your fingers through his hair? I do this to him before bed."

"I'd love to do that." Timothy smiles. His smile takes me back to the night we danced in the rain.

"Excuse my singing."

"Wait, you're gonna sing?" he asks, and I nod. "Let me prop up my phone so you can see us both. He starts running his fingers through Noah's hair, and I can tell that the medication is taking effect. I begin to sing Baby Mine, and Noah closes his eyes as I sing to him. I see Timothy kiss Noah's temple, and it makes me tear up, seeing how natural it is for him to do that. "Wow, Neveah, you have a beautiful singing voice. He's asleep now. I'm gonna try to get some sleep. I'll call you in the morning if anything changes."

"Good night. Give Noah another kiss for me." I say, and he nods and disconnects the call as there is a knock at the door. I look through the peephole, and it's Daddy and Norah.

"Daddy?" You came back already. How did you know we were here." I say as I take a sleeping Norah from him. Henry comes out of the room he's sleeping in, takes Norah from me, and returns to the room.

"We need to have a serious conversation, Mija." He says with a look I've never seen in my life.

Disappointment, and it shatters me.


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