- Weight of the Worldby Charity Stewart
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Heavy burdens weighing me down.
Weight of the World by Charity Stewart

The weight of earth is sitting on my shoulders.
Extreme exhaustion, in my cup I need folders.

With great power comes great responsibilities.

My current position is causing me to doubt my capabilities.

I seen a lot of things I haven't told nobody.

Praying that the Lord send me somebody.

Religious dominations, I feel so misguided.

Filled with unbelief so I haven't yet decided.

I'm so high in the sky, I feel like a pilot.

All my troubles better keep quiet.

Failure to thrive, stress got me on a diet.

Defamation of my character triggering me to start a riot.

Burdens tackling hard like TJ Watt.

My pain exchange for yours, are you in a position to swap?

Pushed far beyond the edge.

Losing my composure at 6 feet from the ledge.

Fighting for what I believe in, I strongly pledge.

Pushing forward, full fledged.

Failure give you two choices, stand up or give up.

I chose to stand, facing my struggles like what up.

Strongly aware of my surroundings so my feathers you can't pluck.

Limited resources so I'm currently stuck.

No personal or work support, I'm completely fucked.

Unexpected ambush, I'm unable to duck.

Instead of pulling the knife out my back, you push it deeper.

Unsupported, no fans in the bleachers.

Many people are on the outside looking in.

You can't cast any stones because we all have sin.

Group sessions can't help me, I don't know where to begin.

I feel like Toy Story, in you I need a friend.

You want to hear my story, pick up a notepad and pen.

This weight is causing chest pain, my heart is giving in.

You can't expect genuine love just because you are my kin.

You can't swim through a sea of adversity when you have no fins.

Laceration of betrayal so deep, you can't make amends.

The weight of the world triggering my life to spin.

Heavy burdens on my back, too hard to dismantle.

My story is too heavy, time to change the channel.

My internal light is dimming slowly like a burning candle.

Please God don't give me more than I can handle.



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