- Put Legs on Your Prayersby Reese Turner
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Put Legs on Your Prayers by Reese Turner
A Letter from God contest entry

Dear Reese,

Well I thought I'd send you a 75th birthday greeting and a little update on your progress...

Congratulations on reaching 75. You're now just two years short of a man's average lifespan in America and I think you've got a good chance of making it." provided you don't do anything stupid. I can't help stupid. But, take your meds, no drinking and driving, make no bets you can't cover, remember to be patient, and you should have a few more years - no guarantees, but chances are good.

Of course, these are the years when most thinking men start to realize how short the candle has become. In your case, I thought a reminder might be in order. So, just relax, let me point out a few things to keep in mind as your appointment with me draws closer.

To quote one of your favorite sayings, "close, but no cigar". There is hope for your long-term future, but you are not across the line yet. By the way, I grade on a curve. Those who, by no fault of their own, did not get all the blessings at birth, or were born into extremely bad situations, or were dealt some really bad hands in life, they are considered and judged compassionately. Even if their brain does not know my name, their heart knows my love and they will receive fair judgement accordingly.

You, however, were born with more than your share of blessings. You were born in America. Born with a good mind, strong back, senses of both courage and humor. You got the full package!

Born to a loving couple who stuck with you, even through your raucous teenage years (rock singer? Seriously? What were you thinking?!). You had friends, a church family, great loving family of good people. You had some great bosses through those many jobs growing up. They taught you the value of working for money. I admit you worked hard and did well. And, after college, you made some people some money, provided for your children, and put away your share for you and your wife. You done good.

On the other hand. Your representation of me has been rather tepid. Sure, I appreciate your steady "I believe" words, but, well... Remember the night when you confided to your old high school friend, David, who became a preacher, that your life was empty and you were praying for some needed spark? He told you, "Brother Reese, it's always good to have prayers, but it is usually best to put legs on them." You dutifully quoted him in prayer, but the level of spark you generated would not challenge a safety match! Legs?

So, spark up, son. Pray so often and so strong that it moves YOU. I am moved by much less than it takes to really move YOU. Pray it. Then put some legs on it. Find a place to make a difference and go make a difference! Oh, and let go of more of that money. You cannot bring it with you. So, spread more of it where you find true need and honest brokers.

Reese, you say you believe in me, but I've always believed in you. See the "two-way street" implications of that? Pray on it, put legs on your prayers, and let's stay in touch.

With Love,

BTW: Yes, in answer to your question. There is golf in Heaven. However, golf is under the "Earned Blessings" clause in the contract. To get "below par" in Heaven you must be "above par" on Earth. Keep your head down and swing through.

Author Notes
Wow. Just entering a prompt became a religious moment. Hope y'all liked it and felt good about it. Hope He grades on the curve. This was a wonderful afternoon well spent.


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