- The Surprise (Miranda)by GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level
Miranda confronts Aaron
The Miranda Chronicles
: The Surprise (Miranda) by GWHARGIS

***So far, Miranda Jessup Buckley has been jilted, fired and left to take care of her ex-lover's child.   A pretty bad day, to say the least.  While preparing to go back to work, she gets a phone call from Waylon's school telling her to come down there.  A weapon has been found in his possession, which is bad news, but it gets worse when she comes face to face with her ex-mother-in-law.  Now, after a long day, all she wants is to sip a cold beer on her porch.  But very rarely does Miranda's life go according to plan.***
I pull into the parking lot of The Little Eagle Gas and Go about thirty seconds before my shift is to begin.  I can see Matt standing at the counter, craning his thick neck  while he fumes that I'm not five minutes early. 
I push through the double doors and he's frowning at me.
"You're almost late.  Not a good idea when I'm giving you a second chance like this."
"There's no such thing as almost late.  I'm on time.  And, I'm the one giving you a second chance, not the other way around.  So, mind your manners, Matt."
I scan the store.  No Rita.  "Where's your coworker?"
"She's in the back.  Restocking the cooler."
"So, what have I missed?" I walk around the counter to grab my vest and pull it on.
"Not much.  I hear you're dating again."
Turning around, I shake my head.  "Really?  So, who am I dating ?"
"Some dude named Aaron."  Matt props one butt cheek on the counter and grins.
"He's my neighbor.  I'm not dating him.  Who the hell told you that? "
"Missy.  She was in here this morning.  Said the two of you were making goo-goo eyes at each other."
The thought of making goo-goo eyes at anyone makes me cringe, but the thought of making goo-goo eyes at Aaron Earl makes me nauseous. 
"And you bought it?" I can't help but laugh.
"You aren't denying it."
"You must be one gullible son of a bitch to believe anything that comes out of that girl's mouth."
"I'm not gullible.  Rita was eating it up.  I just thought it was funny."
"Ok.  Cause it sounded like you believed it."
Rita comes out from the back.  She runs up and hugs me.  "Oh, thank goodness you're back.  I don't think I could take another day of," she says, pausing when she notices Matt is not quite two feet away. "Another day of not seeing your beautiful face."
Matt sighs heavily and pushes himself up.  "I'm going on home now.  See ya, Miranda."
"See ya."
Rita watches as he walks out of the store then a cascade of words comes tumbling out.  "So, who's this new guy.  I heard he's real cute and real young.  What's his name?  I can't remember what Missy said it was.   He's tall, at least, Missy said he was.  Missy said he reminds her of Heath Ledger.  I can't wait to see him."
"Whoa.  Slow down.  He's my neighbor.  End of story.  We are not dating."
Rita looks crestfallen. "You and he aren't, you know, together?"
"No.  Look, I know you think Missy Toblerone is fabulous, but she's a liar.  She always has been and always will be."
Rita slowly nods her head.  "And, there's no possibility that the two of you might end up together?"
"Absolutely not."
"Okay.  I'm just glad you're back."
Seems out of character for me, but I've missed The Little Eagle Gas and Go.  I belong here.
Waylon has pulled the cushions off the couch and put them in his new room.  I tell him I'll find a futon this weekend and he can still sleep on the couch until then, but he seems excited to curl up in his new space.
I leave him to enjoy his new found privacy.  I carry my beer to the porch and sit down on the top step.  The sky is peppered with a thousand stars and a sliver of moon gives very little light.  But it's cool and quiet.   Not too many people outside at ten p.m.  
There is one person outside.  He's standing on the gravel covered road just at the edge of his lot.  I feel him looking over.  
"Nice night," Aaron calls.
"Would it be okay if I came on over?"
I lift my beer, ready to take a sip.  "Well, Aaron, you're creeping me out just standing in the dark and staring."
"I'm afraid you're mad at me."
"I'm wary of you."
"You're what?"
"Wary. I'm wary of you."
"I can't hear you, Miranda.  Can I come over there or not?"
I take two healthy sips before answering.   "Yes.  You can come over."
Aaron stops at the bottom of the steps.  "You're mad at me, aren't you? "
"I'm suspicious.  You seem like a nice kid.  But things just don't add up with you, Aaron."
"Sounds like you're mad."
I tilt my head to study him.  I've never really taken the time to look at him.  I don't see the Heath Ledger angle.  He's a skinny twenty something who has a little boy's smile.  He's nervous around me now.  Like someone who's been scolded and is desperate to get back into my good graces.
"Are you selling?"
"You mean drugs, don't you?"
"Yes.  I mean drugs."
"Hand on the Bible, no."
I look past him to where his two trucks are parked.  "Do both of those trucks have car payments?"
"Not really.  The white one I got in high school.   And you know where I got the other one."
"You have to pay rent for the trailer and the lot.  Utilities.  Insurance on both trucks.  You always seem to have weed and beer. I just don't see how you can afford it."
"I have a job."
"Dougie said you work about 30 hours a week as a gopher for a construction company.  Is that true or was he bullshitting me?"
"It's complicated. "
"Forget it, Aaron.  I can't afford to get mixed up with anything sketchy.  And I'm not gonna let Waylon get sucked in either. "
Aaron shoves his hands in his jeans. "Come on, Miranda.  I'm not sketchy.  I'd never do anything to hurt either of y'all. "
"You already have.  That damn knife of yours fell out of his backpack at school.  He's out on suspension until Thursday."
Aaron groans. "Oh my God. I'm sorry."
"Your knife is at Patterson High.  If you want it back."
Aaron looks over his shoulder towards his trailer.   "If I show you something, do you promise not to think less of me?"
"I doubt it's possible, Aaron."
"Good.  Come with me." He holds out his hand but I ignore it.  Leading me over to his trailer he pauses at the front door.  "It's a little messy.  The maid doesn't come until Thursday."
"What a coincidence, that's when my girl comes, too."
He opens the door and steps aside.  I can't believe what I'm seeing.  
"What the hell, Aaron?  Am I missing something?"
"I wasn't exactly truthful with Dougie.  I guess I didn't trust him very much."
The trailer is incredible.  A white leather couch is lined up against the wall.  A plush carpet anchors the matching leather chairs and a hand carved coffee table sits in front of the couch.  "Surprise."
"How can you afford this?"
"I'm rich.  My dad retired from the construction business and split the business between me and my older brother, Dale.  We both work about thirty to thirty-five hours and my mom does the books."
I lean back against the door frame.  "Aaron, you're a piece of work. "
"So are you, Miranda.  It's why we get along."
To be continued ...

Author Notes
This is part of a larger body of work.


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