- Down a Rabbit Holeby pome lover
This work has reached the exceptional level
wake up, America
Down a Rabbit Hole by pome lover

Down a Rabbit Hole:

"To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds."
"a catch-22, impasse, quagmire, swamp, chaos."

Down, down, down, we go ...
I am writing this because I am scared to death for my country. I have read a lot and listened to people interviewed who are in positions to know what they're talking about, who tell the truth. I'm saying things that I don't enjoy saying, but I'm putting them out there to be considered. I hope you will stick with me.

We are being controlled. We are losing our freedoms. Everything is getting too expensive and life is hard for many Americans. It is a total turnaround from two years ago. We are being told what we can and can't do. People are being thrown in jail, arrested for not agreeing with this administration's political policies. Banks are being told to monitor customers who spend, what they consider, too much cash. We are being monitored and spied on by many technical devices. Check it out.

China has been let into our businesses, our government, our technological companies, our medical fields. China has ruined thousands of American lives by sending us Covid and funding Dr. Fauci. They are buying up our land, and their chairman is openly meeting with Russia showing the world that they are now in charge. Showing us that they are no longer afraid of the strength and power of the United States.

Also, we have a definite crisis at our southern border. We are being overrun with illegals. Our children are being indoctrinated with all kinds of sick, unAmerican ideas that don't require parental approval or even knowledge! American parents are called a threat to the country when they protest what their children are being taught. The idea that parents are told that they don't have the right to protest what their children are being taught and are exposed to is a scary thought.

We, the people, have consistently been told by President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, and White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre that 1. our southern border is closed, 2. They are working on closing it, 3. "illegals don't just walk into our country," 4. They (the Pres. and VP) have been to the border.
FALSE statements, all, among many.

Thousands of illegals cross over into our country every month, (we now have over two million) overwhelming our border towns, yet questions about the crisis at our southern border put to this administration go unanswered. If the ones who slipped through, the "got-aways," are added to that number, there are thousands, possibly millions more. This situation is intentional! And it continues every single day.

Biden has been busing illegals all over our country, thousands of them, including criminals, Fentanyl pushers, child abusers, rapists, etc., giving them cell phones, with plans to give them the right to vote, so that guess what? No more conservatives will win again. Ever. Do you think that's right or fair? The American way? No more two-party system?

Lately, in his State of the Union Address, Our President vehemently denounced Republicans, saying that they are the biggest threat to our Democracy. He ranted and raved against Trump and his supporters, calling us racists, and never uttered a word about the problems Americans, with good reason, are concerned about. Government intrusion into the lives of Americans lacks any semblance of decency, respect or courtesy.

Sanctuary cities brag about their openness to illegals, so some of them have been sent there, and guess what? These bastions of love and open arms don't want them. New York City, DC, Chicago, are whining and complaining over the illegals. The rich and famous say they are all for open borders, so two enterprising governors Greg Abbot of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida sent some illegals to Martha's Vineyard (a measly 50) and some to the VP's house. Horror of horrors. ("We didn't mean near us!") They were sent out of there before they could bat an eye. Nobody likes a taste of their own medicine.

Fiscal responsibility and Biden policies. Two opposing factions. On the very day the stock market tanked, what was O'Biden doing? Celebrating all the "good things" he's accomplished, lying to the American people about what good shape America is in. He walks away after he repeats what he's been told to say, often stumbling over what he's reading, without answering questions from the press. Truly, he has gotten pitiful, and vindictive, which is very dangerous.

Biden can't/won't talk about why our economy is in such bad shape, why Big Pharma's PRESSING a new vaccine that has only been tested on a few rats. And he says they're working on fixing the border problem, but doesn't talk about how or when. He won't talk about why we're headed for a recession or fix it where we wouldn't be. He won't talk about interest rates going up, why he's setting 87,000 ARMED IRS agents loose on ordinary citizens, and FBI agents are handcuffing and arresting citizens in public to embarrass them.

Why is O'Biden spending trillions of our tax dollars helping Ukraine while simultaneously weakening his own country? This is not by accident. Why is he buddy-buddy with China? (Private lucrative business deals, of course.) Why is he giving away our oil reserves and refusing to re-open the Keystone Pipeline, which is clean - it's just a pipeline - so that we are dependent on our enemies for oil? Besides his "deals," one reason is because he says WE are polluting the planet, which shows he has never researched what the actual running and maintenance of electric cars entails, and the effect on the planet if everyone had one.

Our President is a puppet, managed and manipulated by OBama and Soros, with the help of the media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Twitter, and others, who are successfully in the process of bringing our country to its knees!

They are trying to weaken us so the Global Elite, The World Economic Forum - can take over our country and control it; AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT, I BEG YOU TO DO SOME RESEARCH!
* * * *
"The World Economic Forum, which has been meeting and planning for the past 50 years, has made clear that it sees itself as a model of how the world should be governed, actively advocating through its Global Redesign Initiative for a shift from multilateral governance based on state-to-state decision-making to a multistakeholder governance in which corporations have a much more dominant role, becoming effectively global citizens. This process is already under way with the emergence of evermore self-selected and self-appointed multi-stakeholder forums worldwide such as the World Water Forum, the Marine Stewardship Council or the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers."

"The Board, in a sense, is a vision of how the WEF wants the world to be run - by a small group of mainly male corporate executives with the same education and ideological vision, with a mere smattering of diverse non-corporate actors to give their actions legitimacy."

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 22 - 26 May 2022

Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum: some of the American member attendees:
Soros Fund Management, Dow Jones, Mastercard, which is investigating American gun owners, CNN, Moderna, Pfizer, CBS News, N.Y. Times, Bank of America, Pay Pal, Bill & Melinda Gates, HP, Microsoft, Fox Business Network, Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine, Tyson Foods, State Farm, Black Rock, Coca-Cola, Honeywell, Pepsi, Nasdaq, Univ. of CA, Berkley, Google, Yahoo, Washington Post, Marriott Hotels, Mayo Clinic, UPS, IBM, CBS News, MIT, to name a few. PLUS, the People's Republic of China. Imagine that.

Their execs. are all part of the elite and powerful, working to take over the world and America (especially America) with it.

What is happening to the once proud land of the free? Sabotage, plain and simple.
If you are not happy with what's happening, if you love this country and want to do something about it, BOYCOTT THE AMERICAN BUSINESSES whose execs are members. Or at least, some of them. Make a start. And most important of all, vote for people who love America, who want what's best for her; who don't want to be controlled by the WEF or anybody else. If patriotic people who love this country the way it used to be, before Biden, GET OUT AND VOTE. We have a chance to win back our country.

It seems to me that all freedom loving Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, would want less government in their lives; would NOT want armed IRS agents scaring them, would not want the FBI free to come into their homes for political reasons, would want our border closed, would want a better economy, and would realize that a certain political party has no right to punish people who do not agree with them. And I would think they'd all want a leader and a government that works FOR THE PEOPLE, (as it's supposed to be) for their best interest, that doesn't spend our country into the ground, weaken us, humiliate us, and leave us victims to China, Iran and Russia.

I cannot understand why any American, lucky enough to live in this great country, would want to ruin it with Socialism. Either they have no idea what Socialism really is, or if they do, they should move to a Socialist country and leave us in peace. Have you ever heard of anyone rushing to move to a Socialist country?

If we don't vote for people who will work for good things for America and her citizens, we will have a permanent abode down the rabbit hole. We are in a real crisis and it's getting worse by the day.

This could not be more serious.

Author Notes
Author's notes: (with apologies for my repitition and long-windedness.)
Yes, these are my opinions, backed by the writings and broadcasts by people who know. There are some FS members who not only don't agree with me, some think that I am not telling the truth. I don't make things up. Also, I have asked and will continue to ask them WHAT, about what is going on today, in this country, do they think is good? To name ONE THING that Biden has done that is good for America. No one will answer me. They say they don't want to get political. Well, political is the name of the game, today.

We are watching our country being given away, being reduced to a weakness we have never seen before. Just the one example of armed, IRS agents, 87,000 of them, who can threaten American citizens, should be enough to scare anyone. This is Nazi German tactics. Biden has turned us into a pitiful country that can't even control its own borders, with a government about to tax its people to death.
I know I've been repetitive, but it's in hopes that those points will be given serious thought.
This is not America. We need to get our wonderful, strong, free country back before it's too late.


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