- Thanksgiving Dinner Lamentby Verna Cole Mitchell
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Oh! I ate too much!
Thanksgiving Dinner Lament by Verna Cole Mitchell
    Make me Laugh Contest Winner 

Artwork by avmurray at

My plate was overflowing,
And I swallowed every bite.
But now I wish I hadn't.
My stomach's just not right.

It could have been the turkey.
It might have been the pie.
I'm not quite certain what it was.
I think I'm gonna die.

I haven't eaten that much since
I can't remember when.
I'll be a prudent eater till
Thanksgiving comes again.

Writing Prompt
Low entry fee

Write a funny poem - no other restrictions apply. Be as outrageous or as subtle as you desire, in any form or lack thereof, so long as you can make a case that it's poetry!
Make me Laugh
Contest Winner


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