- My Penis - the object of lifeby Mark Childs
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life with a penis
My Penis - the object of life by Mark Childs
An object writing prompt entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
My Penis

My wife often tells me, "You are so sick"
"Get some help," she says, referring to my dick.
My dick and I are inseparable, since puberty began,
That time in my life when I was becoming a man.

My life plan was simple,
Orgasms galore,
Unfortunate for me,
My wife's not a whore.

She's a wonderful woman,
But she does not understand,
Sex is a life-long addiction,
In every middle-aged man.

The big head runs the body,
By the penis runs the mind,
It's not a man's fault,
We consider sex divine.

The older I become,
The more complicated it gets,
My wiring is faulty,
I'm having some regrets.

Lust ruled the early days,
But now it's tolerance and love,
My wife said, "Switch it up."
"Try wearing a glove."

She has become cynical,
Full of wisdom and wit,
Laughing at my shortcomings,
With my dysfunctional dick.

Once my pride and joy,
My best days have gone by,
In an act of desperation,
I gave Viagra a try.

A big hallelujah,
Emerged from my mouth,
Life had returned,
To my friend to the south.

If there is happiness in the bedroom,
There is happiness in our life,
I am thankful for my penis,
But more thankful for my wife.

The end (pun kind of intended)

Writing Prompt
Write a poem about any object which you love the most let it be perfume,books,etc.


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