- Dear children of my childrenby Wendy G
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What I really want to say to the ...
Dear children of my children by Wendy G
Notes to the Grandchildren contest entry



Dear ones, 

             The stretched canvas of skies so blue …
             Such is the breadth of my love for you!
The golden grains of sand on the beach …
             That's the quantity of my love for each!

 The ocean's tides will forever flow …
             My love will follow wherever you go!

             Diamonds twinkling in night's black sky …
             You can't count my love, neither can I!


While my love for you is enormous, I am realistic enough to know that with your increasingly busy lives we will have decreasing time together.

May the value and preciousness of our times together increase, along with the quality and depth of our love.

I will mourn the loss of our "together time", but simultaneously rejoice that you are growing into responsible and caring young people.

I see this already in you older ones of my seven precious "children of my children" (a term I love), for even now you are showing compassion and wisdom in your daily lives – qualities I admire.

Compassion? Yes, I see care and support for the less fortunate, and your willingness to be supportive – despite the time and effort involved.

Wisdom? Yes, this I see too. Different from academic success, it includes discernment, and the ability to think issues through, in order to make right choices.

It is a joy to see you trying your best in all you do. For me, effort, particularly in the areas you find hard, matters more than achievement, which may come easily.

Why, you ask? Because effort in difficult things shows perseverance, as well as courage and determination, which are fine attributes of character.

When your parents were children, we had a poster: "Stand up for what is right, even if you are standing alone!"

The poster hints at the effort, wisdom and discernment, courage and perseverance that I have mentioned. It suggests being confident in your choices, and being able to withstand peer pressure. You older ones will understand.

What I do want you to remember is that people matter more than "things". Things are just temporary; our relationships are enduring and life-changing.

Qualities which I cherish include trustworthiness and truthfulness. Integrity is important and will earn you respect. Guard such qualities in your heart, and look for them in others. Choose your friends wisely.

Remember too that the younger ones will to a large degree model themselves on you. That's both a privilege and a responsibility. These two often go hand-in-hand.

We as grandparents know this, all too well, as do your parents. None of us is perfect at being a good role model. We are learning to be grandparents, and your parents are learning to be parents.

We're all learners together throughout life. Because of this, we need to remember the value of forgiveness, for each other, and for ourselves.


And my little ones? How precious you are in your innocence and joy! How I delight in watching you learn and grow!

You are discovering the beauties and grandeur of our world, as you learn to love and care for animals and insects, and watch birds, marvelling at how they can fly. I do too.

You delight in discovering the moon each night, marvel at the shapes in clouds, and pick the most beautiful flowers from my garden for your mothers, chosen with love – even if the petals are already crushed, or falling off into your clumsy but eager little hands.

Continue to be amazed throughout your life. The splendour and beauty of all creation will never disappoint you. Rather, it will fill you with awe at its complexity, intricacy and variety.


Each of you, my dears, has my unconditional love, which is a small reflection of God's infinite unconditional love.

My prayer is that you will know this, deep in your hearts, and that this assurance will give you the strength and peace to pursue your life's dreams, whatever they may be, and also carry you through times of pain and difficulty, for these too will come.

Now, in closing, re-read the verse at the top.
This expresses my love for you – and it also expresses your parents' love for you. There may be times you question this, but, as you mature into adulthood – possibly only when you yourselves have children – you will realise the truth of it.

Honour your parents, and your grandparents, and remember that despite whatever physical, mental or emotional frailties they may develop, they are worthy of your love and respect – and share as much time as possible with them.

Grant them the privilege of loving you and being loved in return. Your reward will be a rich, full and blessed life, not necessarily with "things" –but with things that count.  

I love you!

Author Notes
Thank you for reading this long piece. This is very personal writing, expressing my own thoughts and values. I will keep it for my grandchildren - and I don't want to leave anything out, even for a contest.


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