- Nonsenseby Tom Horonzy
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last night my mind went into overdrive
Nonsense by Tom Horonzy
Can Hippo Campus be Controlled writing prompt entry

Senseless and inane,
foolish and profane
prattling on as if
a blithering idiot.
What could be worse
than a yawping jay?

Could be.
In the land of Nod
unguarded thoughts
wander aimlessly
amidst a free-range
of cow pies.
a minefield wherein
timebombs wait.

we have no control.
A ship with no tiller;
a car without brakes.
Thoughts traipse about
with DNA etched from memories
can be precious or impaired.

Oh, if I
could only write
the hallucinatory scenes
seen while I rest.
They might well develop
into a NYTime's best-seller,
but Woe is me, for my awakening
is equipped with a self-contained

Writing Prompt
Who dares to delve into their own train of thought to write whatever they wish, in whatever form they desire, keeping under three hundred words?

Author Notes
Picture taken in Paris by me. No recollection of who the artist was.

I couldn't sleep last night. My mind was in overdrive. I kept seeing mental compositions about anything and yet nothing. As i awoke I recollected nothing but a title: Nonsense.


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