- Continue Still running from Ben Colder
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My bridge to cross
Continue Still running from God. by Ben Colder
Story of the Month contest entry

Folks, in my last days here with you, I hope there has been something said to encourage and perhaps bring you closer to knowing God does exist and He does love us. His love can not ever be measured in carnal thinking. I hope my sharing the dark days in my life can inspire someone to seek the Lord with a sincere heart. It will be there He will meet you.
My blessing I offer.

Late August of 58, I was what some called a short-timer. My enlistment date was less than thirty days away and I had received my port call to leave for home in September.
like many others, I was asked to re-enlist but I had missed three Christmas, and just to hear my mother's voice was something I longed for.

I was getting things in order and in my way of thinking, I would be home and a civilian within thirty days. However, God wanted me into a place where I would yield to His calling.

The following week another crisis happened and my port call was canceled. The Lebanese were being a trouble maker once again sending mixed signals toward my future. Silently, I told God, if He would get me home, then I would do as He wished.

By the time I started preparing for the unknown, the idea of us going to war had vanished and my port call became valid again. 10 days later, the Statue of Liberty came in view, and I must say never had she looked so good.

In seventy-two hours from the time my ship docked, I was at Fort Chaffee Arkansas, and a civilian. I called my mother and heard her voice for the first time in two years. I was twenty years of age with a fist full of money and ready to buy the car of my dreams.

I rode a Greyhound Bus to Pine Bluff and there at the station my father and mother received me. They had moved from the Arsenal and bought a home and new car, however, Dad stilled worked for the government. He was like a lot of old dogs learning new tricks.
Everything was angling toward computers or at least in the finance department.

They had purchased a cute little house with two bedrooms, Dad had stopped drinking and gambling and with the savings, it was more than enough to pay for everything.
Mother's prayers were being answered but in a timely manner. The Lord's manner and mother's time.

I was surprised to see the China dishware I sent had made it there with only one cup broken which was easily replaced. Inside a kitchen cabinet sat a sugar bowl with rolled up hundred dollar bills. She had not spent one dime of the money I sent her and was waiting until I got home for instructions.

Not far away, a family who worked for a car dealer in Little Rock drove home each day a different car always for sale. One day I could not believe my eyes. He had driven home the car of my dreams, and It was like sick-um to a dog.

Of course, the money I had and what was in the sugar bowl did the trick and from then on, it was party time. I pushed aside my commitment to God and for a while, the girls and the nightlife were everything. I never had a steady girl, she had sent me a Dear John letter and was married so it was an open field for me.

Everything was cool, and I had been wrong for so long but I needed to give it one more try.
Who says God is not persistent? It must be a person who does not understand that everything made is made by the Almighty God. When God wants you to do something, you will, just a matter of time. I love what the prophet Jeremiah said to Him. "Would the clay tell the potter how to form him?"

Time means nothing to God. He creates time and makes things fall in place as He desires. Not our desires. When you walk in darkness,(Void of understanding) and do not know who He is, and where He is, a person is most miserable. Like Mother told me. I could run but not hide.

During this time I felt like someone who had the world by the tale, I checked into a hotel in a nearby town. It was late and after seeking rest, I turned the lights off and went to bed. I had just closed my eyes when the entire room illuminated and there stood a large Angel telling me to fear not. God had something to tell me. Instantly I was given a vision. He was calling me into a miracle ministry and I needed to heed. When it left, I was still trembling but partially did as asked. I was so full of rebellion, but in time, He got my attention.

Though God is so merciful, and forgiving, people like me were heading toward a rude awaking. Not only had He sent a celestial angel to rouse me into the work, but terrestrial as well.

Shall I continue?


Author Notes
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