- Wooshby Liz O'Neill
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Great energy is experienced with dowsing action
The Tor
: Woosh by Liz O'Neill

After a discussion, they decide to set the spirits of the boys free



An uneasy Cordelia made her way to the couches as if she couldn’t put enough distance between that plate and herself, soon enough. She plunked down into cushions of the worn navy blue couch facing me. 


“So what’s going on, why so serious all of a sudden?” She had a curious, concerned look.




“I wanted to share with you what I got from the ladies I was sitting with while we waited for you guys to get out.”


“Great, go ahead. I’m anxious to hear what’s going on with the others.”


“I saw two of them sitting outside and was curious as to whether any others had experienced the heaviness we have felt. They had specific descriptions for how the energy came across for them.  One said she and Cyndy, who in your class, were so preoccupied with what could possibly be causing the sense of hopelessness, they had difficulty getting to sleep.


“The other termed it a feeling of defeat. So I told them about the discovery of the little building and what was there. I told them we don’t totally understand its implications, but we were going to work on it.”


Cordelia posed a question that was gnawing at me. “I  do wonder who placed those artifacts there, why, and how long ago.”


“We’ll probably never know. I do feel they were placed there for us…you, to be led toward. We never would have made the connection about Bob having been here.”


‘What I want to do is invite their spirits to go toward the light, to be free. Some may be hesitant, depending upon how long they’ve been here.”


“Whoa, how do you do that? That’s great.” 


“First, I have to get their permission. We do not have the right to move energy around without permission. We may have what we think is a good agenda, but must ask permission.


“I will use my pendulum.” I removed the chain holding my pendant from around my neck.


“Wow, that is beautiful. What is it? It’s got several stones in it.”


Handing it to her to point out each element, I said, “This is a yoga goddess with a moonstone for the face and an amethyst for the center.”


“Is that important to be able to set the spirits free? Are those stones the best ones to use?”


I explained how a pendulum is anything that swings. That pendant had become a nice convenience since, I often wear it.


I instructed her to watch how the pendulum swings, so she would know the answer of yes or no. “‘Yes’ is indicated in the direction we shake our head for a ‘yes’ to and from our body. And ‘no’ is shown with a movement from left to right and right to left.”


I told her I was going to ask them if they want to be set free.


Cordelia wiggled her legs. “Cool.”


“But we need calm, focused moods.” She sat back, bracing herself.


“We need to have a shield of protection around us, because we may open up channels to unwanted energies which could bring about confusion and imbalance.”  I spent a moment getting into a reflective state. Cordelia followed suit.


I spun my pendulum in a clockwise motion, my healing technique. I asked for protection for us as we opened pathways for the spirit of these boys to be set free. I moved on to our mission at hand.   


Slightly moving my pendulum back and forth, I began. “We are aware of your sadness, terror, and all you lost.” Nodding toward Cordelia, I said, “We want to give you the opportunity to be set free, to go toward the light.” 


Tears accumulated, readying to spill over onto my warm smile. “Would you like to move on?”


We both watched my pendulum as it moved away from and toward me. “That means, ‘yes’ you do want us to proceed?” The pendulum signaled another ‘yes’.


I began swinging my pendulum in an expansive clockwise circle, which was my healing action for them. “You said you all want to be set free. Go toward the light.” As my pendulum continued to swing in the healing direction, I repeated my words. “Go toward the light, you will be happier and at peace.” 


The size of the spinning circle grew smaller until my pendulum slowed to a stop.  There was an intense pause in energy, everything was still. We both had our heads bowed in contemplation.


At the exact moment I felt a powerful ‘woosh’, Cordelia said, “Did you feel that?”


I looked at her in astonishment, “Yes. You felt it too?”


Cordelia described her experience. “I felt spirit energy zoom from the tips of my toes, up, up, and out through the spiritual opening in my head.”


“I  felt something move from my gut, out through the center, top of my head.”



I rotated my head as if I were sniffing the environment of the room. “I don’t feel that sadness now.” I got up to check the feeling in the kitchen and looked upstairs. “Nope, nothing.”


Cordelia joined me in the stairway. “So are they gone?” 


“It feels like they are.” With a desire for confirmation, I said, “We’ll have to check with the others. Hopefully, they’ll have noticed a difference.”


Cordelia named some people she’d ask. 


“Well, you’ve got to be up bright and early tomorrow for your last class of the week.” I couldn’t help but break into song for the next three words. “Then comes Saturday.” I twirled around, bowing at the word ‘Saturday’.




Morning wafted a clue up to my room, of fresh made coffee. The air was light and cheery, in contrast to the day before. The sun was shining for a change, casting beautiful shadows through the pale green drapes. I rose to invite the warmth of a new day.


While we nonparticipants spent time in our familiar busyness room, I took advantage of a ripe opportunity to see if anyone had noticed a difference in the darkness and depression, they may have sensed before the lost, trapped spirits were set free.


I chose to approach Karin and Caren, they would know immediately why I was asking the question.

“Caren and Karin, remember our conversation from yesterday and the descriptions of what you’ve been feeling throughout your cottages? I was wondering if you noticed anything different when you woke this morning?”   






Author Notes
Most of the events in this book are based on my personal experience. I will let you know if I deviate.

These chapters all fold into each other.

Bob was my dowsing teacher who had a past life recognition he was one of many boys who stayed in cottages before going off to die in war

Madeline is the narrator and a friend of Cordelia.

Cordelia is a harp therapist and is a friend of Madeline, whom she invited to go with her

A harp therapist goes into hospitals and plays certain chords to help patients heal

A chord is when more than one note is sounded at the same time
Inner dowsing is when someone has a gift of knowing things, of sensing and being drawn to various energies and spirits

Inner dowsing is when someone has a gift of knowing things, of sensing and being drawn to various energies and spirits

Dowsing with a device means the dowser needs a pendulum or other device to read the energy

We don't know why dowsing works, that is not important. But it is important that we know how, when and why we use it.

We use it with respect for others' privacy and to bring about good. It is a way of measuring, moving, or neutralizing energies.
I have a FB page, Dowsing for Beginners if anyone is interested

A labyrinth has a direct path into the center and a direct path out from the center, unlike a maze which is intended to create confusion.

Foreshadowing is a foreboding foretelling of an event to come


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