December is a time when Jack Frost is nipping at your nose.
Kids scurry about dressed in warm and comfy clothes.
There is ice skating on the ponds and sliding on snow covered hills.
Roasting marshmallows on a open fire and sipping hot chocolate to stop the chills.
Making snowmen and snow forts and having snowball fights too.
Lying in the snow making snow angels is another winter fun thing to do.
December is a magical time for young and old alike.
It's the birthday month of Baby Jesus, our blessed lord and Jesus Christ.
A time when snowflakes softly fall and gently tickle your tongue.
It's time for the Christmas season when stockings are neatly hung.
December brings sleigh rides and jingle bells.
Santa Claus and presents and lots of holiday thrills.
December blankets the earth with a shimmering winter white.
Very majestic and picturesque quite the heartwarming sight.
Christmas carol singing , glad tidings we will sing.
December is a month to honour our saviour and new born king.