- Shape-Shifter Part Sevenby Brett Matthew West
This work has reached the exceptional level
A Detective John Dutton Novelette
Shape Shifter
: Shape-Shifter Part Seven by Brett Matthew West

The text message read, "You have taken the town by storm!"

The diminutive, ruthless, Karl Adler busied his thumbs and replied, "I control the city now with an iron fist and only I know why I do the things I do."

The next inquiry came across loud and strong, "Why do you do them?"

Adler replied, "I want to be famous, and through my reign of terror, I am. Much more than I ever imagined." Adler cut the transmission off. He tossed the stolen throwaway into a dumpster. Bounced off the nearby tower, the call could not be traced to him.

On a rampage, with nothing to lose, Adler's ferocious presence spread daily on the news. His sort of chaos was not supposed to happen, but he enjoyed the productivity of his scandalous killings. The slopsucker's mouth sagged when he spoke. Adler's piggy eyes stared far out into space and remained fixed.

His fantasies had always been simple. By flashlight, in his darkened bedroom, the young version of Karl Adler studied mass murderers he became fascinated with, kidnappers, and other vile creatures. He fed off the adrenaline of each delicious attack and treasured the avatar of death. Adler's victims became nothing more than fee fi fo fum monster fodder.

The scariest truth of the day was Karl Adler kept everything off balance. That was the only way he liked life to be. The only way he crafted his nasty deeds. The surprisingly attractive Downtown area would soon buzz with excitement of Adler's creation. Evergreens, tall pines, and firs peeked over Morgan's Jewelry and Johnson's Hardware.

Down the street, Adler noticed four sets of running feet. Onlookers hovered around the chic Donafan's Boutique in rapid anticipation of catching a glimpse of his latest deposit.

"Rice can be as scarce as rain in the middle of a drought, you morons!" Adler said to himself. "On the back terrace and cobblestone patio. That is where you will find the treasure I left you."

Three blocks away, as Dutton pulled onto Bonnet Boulevard he did not like the vibes of the crime scene. Cruisers flashed their blue lights.

"Too much interference," Ballister muttered beside him.

"I tell you, Mark, these people are sick to want to get caught up in a corpse," Dutton replied.

"That's what an unresolved rampant murder spree leads to," Ballister stated.

"Adler is still on the loose and this time he's made another high-profile statement. City Councilman Ron Campanello was no slouch," Dutton responded.


Author Notes
usa police car, by Hagan W, selected to complement my novelette

So, thanks Hagan W, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my novelette.

Although very few do, should you want to catch up on the previous portions of my novelette click on the blue numbers on top of the page.


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