- In God's Healing Orchardby Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level
His restoring balm: Old Mission Peninsula, Traverse City, MI
In God's Healing Orchard by Mrs. KT
Poem of the Month contest entry

I’ve called this view home
For forty-two years.
Its grandeur has thrilled
And tempered my tears.
All through the seasons,
As vistas unfold,
It sings to my soul
In scenery bold.
Yet in fair springtime,
When near orchard blooms,
Is when its beauty
Dispels any gloom.
Sweet perfumes emerge
One branch at a time,
And in their presence,
I sense the Divine.

Pure beauty enthralls,
White clusters of lace,
That sway in the breeze
As bumblebees grace.

Soon, ripened cherries 
Will adorn strong limbs
That have weathered storms
And spring's errant whims.

In times such as these,
I need bid adieu
Fear's hold on man's world,
And welcome God's view.

Here, in God's orchard,
Just the other day,
I felt healing peace
As I made my way.

I know I'll return,
As summer days wane;
His restoring balm
Will beckon again...




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