- 24. Assumptionsby Debra White
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A Lune
NaPoWriMo 2021
: 24. Assumptions by Debra White


     The biggest mistake
you can make
      is an assumption.


Author Notes
I think every one of us has been guilty of making assumptions at some time or another. Sometimes assumptions can be correct, but they're most often not.

The lune is also known as the American Haiku. It was first created by the poet Robert Kelly and was a result of Kelly's frustration with English haiku. After much experimentation, he settled on a 13-syllable, self-contained poem that has 5 syllables in the first line, 3 syllables in the second line and 5 syllable in the final line.

Unlike haiku, there are no other rules. No need for a cutting word. Rhymes are fine; subject matter is open. While there are less syllables to use, this form has a little more freedom. (writers

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Thank you for reviewing for such a measly payout - I'm fresh out of funny money and can't afford to promote this one!


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