- With Each Path, A Healing Prayerby Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level
Despite life's challenges, so much for which to be grateful
With Each Path, A Healing Prayer by Mrs. KT


I venture from my home today;
Warm sun shines bright; north winds blow fair.
I know just where to make my way;
With each path, a hopeful prayer.  
Pure heaven waits beneath blue sky
at Miller's Pond; my soul's repair.
Down our steep hill, I seem to fly;
With each step, a grateful prayer.
Yellow daffodils now appear;
Of spring’s promise, few can compare.
They wash away dark winter’s fear;
With each bloom, a joyful prayer.  
I note red robins gather ‘round;
They’ve returned early, which is rare.
Searching for worms in thawing ground;
With each song, a faithful prayer.  
I soon arrive at Miller’s Pond,
Unmasked from worry's cold, blank stare.
I stoop to touch a lovely frond;
With each view, a calming prayer.  
The pond sports turtles on fat log;
I wonder if they are aware
of their keen role in nature’s cog.
With each splash, a musing prayer.   
Swift dragonflies dart in and out;
Scruffy cattails are everywhere.
Minnows and fish scurry about;
With each flash, a smiling prayer.  

I watch as doe with fawn both drink
  from cool water with cautious care.
I move closer; they do not shrink.
With each lap, a trusting prayer.   

 The night draws near; I bid good-bye
To pristine beauty thriving there.
On homeward trek, a heartfelt sigh;
With each stride, a thankful prayer.

In time, I shall return again.
God's treasured gifts, I yearn to share,
For in truth, they can mend life's pain;
With each path, a healing prayer...



Author Notes

Rhymed quatrains: abab, cbcb. dbdb etc.
Eight syllables per line.
Mixed meter

This week marks the one year anniversary of the COVID pandemic and restrictions placed upon residents everywhere in America. Regardless of the season, "Miller's Pond," its inhabitants, and nature in general, have been a constant source of solace, wonder, and healing for me during these months of Michigan's restrictions and lockdowns. They have reminded me daily that, despite life's challenges, peace, beauty, purpose, and the continuation of life do exist along each pathway of my life. And for that, I am humbled and grateful.

Thank you for reading!
diane kenel-truelove


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