- Will He Do It?by damommy
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Probably so.
Will He Do It? by damommy

Some of my cats do the oddest things, but one incident particularly comes to mind.  I will get to that in a minute.
Not having thumbs has long been a matter of contention in my household.  Whenever I question them doing something, it’s always “but I don’t have thumbs.”  But, come on, couldn’t they at least put their toys back in the basket?  The problem is, if I buy one a pair of thumbs, then I’d have to buy them all a pair of thumbs, and that could be more expensive than I can manage.
The only time they feel they can help is when I change the bed sheets.  Then, it’s “whoopee,” “let me help, “ and “grab that end.”  I get more help than I need or even want.  It becomes trampoline time for everyone to jump on and help.
Now, back to the incident I mentioned at the first.
PC, as you all know, is exceptionally smart.  One day, I heard this clicking sound but couldn’t imagine what it could be.  When I made my way to the kitchen, there he was with a can of cat food, working his paw under the thingy that opens the can.  When he failed to raise the tab up, it would fall back in place, hence the clicking noise.
He knows how it opens, but so far, has been unable to accomplish the final push that will release the lid.   But he hasn’t given up on that yet.
I have no doubt that, given time and his determination, PC will succeed in getting a can open.  One morning, I may walk into the kitchen and find all the cans opened and lids laying everywhere.  Until then, I’ll have to put a stronger latch on the pantry door.



Author Notes
This true. It's amazing the things PC comes up with.


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