- Zoo Murder: Believe It or Notby Bill Schott
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The zoo murder story comes to an end
Zoo Murder:
: Zoo Murder: Believe It or Not by Bill Schott

Bull Schlitz = police inspector
Dan D'weir = homicide detective
Mellow Bailey = park director
Nat Taurus = habitat manager
Honor Bonner =veterinarian
Mame Dennis = media representative
Jerry Mathers = AZA Midwest Area coordinator
Clarice Darrow = Zoo Attorney
Dr. Garret Hool = Coronor
Judge Hiram Hankins = District Court Judge
Carlos Cleaver = District Attorney
Clarice Darrow = Defense Attorney

Previously: There was a murder in the city zoo. Five people were brought in for questioning. Both Mellow Bailey, the park director and Nat Taurus, the habitat manager have given odd information and have implicated two others. Mame Dennis, Honor Bonner, and Jerry Mathers have indicated they were involved with the victim's death.

End of the last chapter:
"The wounds are the right shape and width, and there are animal hairs."
"Sooo, what are we saying?"
The medical examiner takes a mock, thoughtful pose.
"Hmm? How about -- smuggling bees?"


Inspector Bull Schlitz, Detective Dan D'weir, District Attorney Carlos Cleaver, and legal representative for the zoo, Clarice Darrow, were all seated in a semicircle facing a huge desk within the chambers of Judge Hiram Hankins.

"Thank you for seeing us today, Your Honor," said the DA.

"Your message indicated that we would be able to forego a trial and get this zoo murder cleaned up here."

"Murder is a nonstarter, Hiram" said Darrow.

The judge looked at the defense attorney with a furtive smile. "A little formality is required here, Ms. Darrow."

The lawyer's face flushed as her eyes widened. "Of course, Hi - ah - on, Your Honor."

"Right, Judge," said Bull. "We got the mutts locked up, confessions, and evidence of a conspiracy that led to the vic dyin'."

"I'm certain this will look and sound more appropriate and professional in your report."

"Yeah, I got Weirdo typin' it."

Seeing his opening, Detective D'weir prepared to lay out the theory of the crime and coverup.

"With the DA's permission, I can present the case --"

"Wait," said the judge.  "Carlos, are you familiar with the case?"

"Yes, of course." 

"Well, alright then. Thank you, Detective, but we'll just leave it to Cleaver."

The judge chortled, seemingly happy with his play on words. The others smiled vacantly while widening their eyes a bit in polite response. 

"Very well, Your Honor," began the DA.  "Jerry Mathers, the American Zoolgical Association's Midwest Area coordinator, had been smuggling exotic and illegal creatures into the U.S. for years."

"How do we know that, Mr. Cleaver?"

"The park director, habitat manager, and veterinarian have all signed affadavits to that affect, Your Honor."

"Mr. Mather's activities are not an established fact, but more heresay within this single investigation," said Darrow.

"So he snuck in horned toads and talking birds?" asked the judge.

"More like wooly rats and dangerous insects.  In this case -- 
Melipona beecheii."

"Which is what?"

"It's a bee from Mexico, Judge," said Bull.

"A stingless Mayan bee, Your Honor. Rare and endangered," added D'weir.

"So they were Mayan -- not His'n," said the judge with a grin.

"The deceased, Cyril Loyne, had a pouch made under his belly epidermis to carry bees across the border."

"No shit!" blurted the judge.

"The bees were apparently stingless, but their aggressive biting seems to have raised the man's blood pressure until he had a stroke and died at the zoo," said the DA.

Detective D'weir stood and continued the explanation.

"So 'sirloin', I mean Cyril Loyne, he drops dead in the African veldt section and is quickly found by honey badgers which tear him the heck apart looking for these bees."

"We thought Loyne had been strangled at first, but it looks like Mellow Bailey was the first to find him and attempted to drag him away with a golf cart and a towing cable around his neck," said Bull.

"No shit!" exclaimed the judge again.

"I know, right?" said D'weir. "She dragged him to the perimeter of that section, then Andre the Giant throws him over the fence. The corpse ends up in the middle of the park where witnesses saw him before he could be totally removed."

"All of this activity is based on different suspects' statements and not by witnesses or investigation," said Darrow.

"Honor Bonner had the idea to frame the tiger with pig's blood," said the DA. "She tranked  the cat and slathered it up." 

"Bizarre," said the judge. "What do you propose then, Carlos?"

"My office will accept guilty pleas from everyone involved for conspiracy to impede a police investigation."

Looking to the zoo lawyer, the judge awaited her acceptance.

"Sounds like a walk in the park, Counselor"

"Six months probation with records expunged within the year," she said.

"We're offering five years, suspended sentences, probation, and loss of all licenses to work within the zoolological community," said the DA.

"Seems steep for moving a heap of dead weight fifty or so feet."

The district attorney sighed. "The offer is rescinded. Our coroner says the stroke may not have killed Cyril Loyne, but the towing certainly did. The charge will be conspiracy to commit murder against all five suspects. You can accept ten to life here, or twenty to life without possibility of parole in court with a jury."

"Ridiculous!" yelled Darrow.

The judge raised a hand to quiet everyone.

"I am issuing a directed verdict and sentence that acknowledges the district attorney's initial offer."

"Thank you, Your Honor," said the DA.

"See you on the links at seven a.m., Carlos"

"Thanks, Judge," said Bull.

"Poker Friday night, Bull. Bring my money with you."

The inspector nodded with a noncommittal smile.

"He's already spent yours, Your Honor," said D'weir. "He'll be bringing mine."

"Thank you, Hiram," said Clarice Darrow.

"Of course, dear. Say hello to your mother for me."

"She's on an Eat, Pray, Love cruise this month," said the young lawyer. "I'm housesitting for her."

Both smiled as the rest filed out of the chambers. 

Later, back at the precinct, the detective and inspector sat across from each other at Bull's desk.

"Great working with you on this case, Bull."

Without acknowledgement, Bull reached into his left, bottom drawer and fetched two pints of bourbon. He placed one in front of D'weir.

"That's very kind of you, Bull, but I don't drink."

The inspector retrieved the bottle and returned it to his drawer. 

"That's tragic." 

The two sat quietly as Bull sipped at his bottle and D'weir looked through all the paperwork he would be processing later.

The End



Bull Schlitz = police inspector
Dan D'weir = homicide detective
Mellow Bailey = park director
Nat Taurus = habitat manager
Honor Bonner =veterinarian
Mame Dennis = media representative
Jerry Mathers = AZA Midwest Area coordinator
Clarice Darrow = Zoo Attorney
Dr. Garret Hool = Coronor
Judge Hyram Hankins = District Court Judge
Carlos Cleaver = District Attorney



Author Notes
Image from Google. Getty


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