- World Introvert Dayby w.j.debi
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Introverts Celebrate
World Introvert Day by w.j.debi
Story of the Month contest entry
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World Introvert Day -- January 2

Introverts, celebrate some peace and quiet today!

It is estimated that about one-third of all people are introverts. Introverts prefer listening to speaking, innovate and create but dislike self-promotion, and favor working alone as opposed to working in teams.

World Introvert Day was first celebrated ten years ago on January 2, 2011. Felicitas Heyne, a German psychologist and author, created the day. She felt January 2nd was the perfect day for this celebration because the holidays are over and introverts can recharge as they enjoy the post-holiday peace and quiet.

A popular personality assessment used by many companies is the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment. Among the traits it measures are the difference between extroverts and introverts.

Extroverts love being around other people. It invigorates them and raises their energy level. Being alone depletes their energy.

Introverts are the opposite. Crowds deplete their energy and exhaust them. They not only enjoy having time alone, they need it to refuel. That does not mean they want to be alone all the time. They do like other people.

Meyers-Briggs measures extroversion and introversion on a graduated scale. For example, I have taken this assessment several times at different companies. I always come out on the cusp between extrovert and introvert but lean more toward the introvert side. I have to agree. I like being with others but am always grateful to have time alone to recharge. I would guess my mother is an introvert and my father is an extrovert. As kids, Mom would hustle us to the car to leave a church or family function because she was ready to leave. We would wait for Dad as he had to say one last thing to someone or say goodbye to one more person. This pandemic has been hard on him because it has cut back on his social activities a lot.

As a group, writers tend to be more introverted. Good thing since writing requires time alone. Also, two introverts can be alone together and be perfectly content not to say a word for hours. They get each other.

The day can be celebrated in a variety of ways including the following:
  • Go for a long walk.
  • Read a book. Hey, it's also National Science Fiction Day. It's my perfect excuse to grab a sci-fi novel.
  • Study about famous introverts such as J.K. Rowling (Need an excuse to read Harry Potter books?); Bill Gates; Abraham Lincoln; Christina Aguilera; Eleanor Roosevelt (one of my heroes); Courtney Cox; Albert Einstein; Emma Watson; Mahatma Gandi; Rosa Parks; Audrey Hepburn; Warren Buffet; Roy Rogers; Candice Bergen.

Some other ways to celebrate World Introvert Day, especially if you are an extrovert who wants to understand your introverted friends better:

Read books about the subject
  • Happily Introverted Ever After -- a free e-book written by the day's founder, Felicitas Heyne
  • Quiet -- The Power of Introverts in a World that Won't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Watch movies with introverted main characters
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • The Hobbit
  • The Avengers
  • Dead Poets Society

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, enjoy the day, and welcome to 2021.

Now, where did I put my book?



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