- Rooted in Dixie Prologueby BethShelby
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Rooted in Dixie
: Rooted in Dixie Prologue by BethShelby

My life story is not that of someone special, but it has one thing going for it, It is unique. We all have lives that are unique. No one’s experience is exactly like that of anyone else. Since my journey started quite a few years back, I may have lived through a bit more history than most. Where I lived, what my parents were like, my lack of siblings, my friends, and everything I’ve encountered makes me different from you.

I’ve noticed that I’ve written quite a bit about my younger years. Many of these stories are scattered throughout my portfolio. These stories don’t fit with others I’ve written, so they deserve a category of their own. I think they deserve a prologue. I’ll put the older stories under the tentative heading of Rooted in Dixie. From time to time, I will add new stories. 

Let me relate a few dry facts:

My life began in September of the late thirties during the Roosevelt years. I was born on the outskirts of a small town in Mississippi. I took my first breath in my parents' home, because in those days, many people were born at home. Doctors were willing to make house calls. My mom was a twenty-two-year-old homemaker, and she was married to my dad, who was a twenty-seven-year-old store clerk. They lived on fifteen acres of land and in a house that had no electricity and no indoor plumbing. They had been married five years already, but I was the first and only child that would ever grace their home. They had just lived through the Great Depression, and like most of the people of those years, they were struggling to make a living and were lucky that one of them had a job, even though the paycheck was small.

There was an extended family. Just over the rise of a small hill and joining our land, my dad’s father and mother and his maiden aunt and single uncle lived in a much older house. My widowed maternal grandmother was a part-time resident of our home. Her husband had died the year before, and she lived among her four children, trying not to stay too long with any one of them, so as not to wear out her welcome. Dad, like me, was an only child. Mom was the baby of a blended family. Her father already had ten children when he, a widower, married her mother, a widow with two children. Together they had two more, Mom’s brother, Uncle Newman, and then my mother, Lucille. Mom had eleven living half-siblings. One had died before she was born.

This book will contain stories I’ve written about my life from the time I was born until I reached my teenage years. Since I’m already writing a biography, starting from when I met my future husband at age fifteen, this will cover the years that elapsed before that time. Maybe at times, some of the stories may overlap. I did have another life when we were dating that didn’t involve him. This book may also contain stories that belong to my parents or my grandparents, who also share my Southern roots.

I would welcome anyone who would to care to join me on this journey.



Author Notes
This is a second book I'm writing so that my children will have a sense of their own Southern roots. I'd like them to know what life was like in the years before they became a part of my life.


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