- Murder Mystery/Part Twoby scongrove
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The Curse/A Novel of the Breedline series
: Murder Mystery/Part Two by scongrove

Thanks for taking the time to read my chapter. It's new so if you catch mistakes, please let me know. Stay safe & enjoy!

A half hour later, Tessa and Jace finally made their way downstairs. Before they stepped into the kitchen, whatever was cooking on the inside instantly invaded their senses and ignited Jace’s appetite.

As he pushed through the set of double doors and held one side open for Tessa, they were surprised to see the kitchen already packed. For the exception of Jena and Nicolas, everyone else in the Covenant were gathered around the table.

Tessa noticed Alexander sitting close to Helen with his arm around her. It warmed her heart to see them in love, and it made her wonder when they were finally going to tie the knot. Settled in the chairs across from them were Cassie—Jace’s little sister—and her husband Drakon. They were facing each other, and by the look on their faces, Tessa could tell how much they loved one another. And if she had to bet, the two were most likely talking about baby things. Cassie was moving along in her pregnancy, and they were excited to have a family of their own.

Alongside the pregnant couple sat Mia and her husband Jem, who was Jace’s twin brother. Nestled in Jem’s lap was their daughter, Evie. She was the spitting image of her mother with Jem’s blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone in the Covenant adored her, especially all her cousins and Tim and Angel’s little girl, Natalie.

Seated at the far end of the table next to Alexander were Eve and Sebastian. Their twin boys, Arius and Tidus, were sitting in highchairs nearby. Both boys had dark curly hair and golden eyes like their father's. They were eating biscuits with jelly, although most of the strawberry jam covered their faces.

Sitting in the chair beside Helen was Abbey. Her husband Steven, Tessa’s fraternal twin brother sat close to Abbey who was holding onto their son, Jonah.

The rest of the Breedline crew were engaged in conversation, chatting and laughing. Although Tessa enjoyed every minute she had alone with her husband, all the voices inside the crowded room made her feel at home. The only thing missing were their twin boys. The thought made her want to call Jace’s parents, but she decided to be patient and let them have more time with their grandbabies. Besides, they had been practically begging to keep the boys overnight and she wasn’t the type to say no to her in-laws. John and Sarah were wonderful people and took excellent care of little Jem and Jax.  

“Is that bacon and eggs I smell?” Jace asked, rubbing his stomach.

Tim rose from his chair and motioned them over. “Please, come join us.”

Tessa smiled at Tim and nodded at Angel, who was sitting next to him. Natalie, their daughter, was in a highchair close by, drinking out of a pink sippy cup. 

Two seats were empty at the far side of the couple, and Tessa and Jace went to sit next to them.

“Sorry we’re running late,” Tessa said as Jace pulled out the chair for her.

“You’re fine.” Tim smiled, realizing it had been a while since Tessa and Jace had time alone. Besides, he knew all too well what it was like chasing after a toddler, and they had double the trouble.

“As a matter of fact,” Tim went on to say, “we’re still waiting on Detectives’ Sanchez and Perkins to arrive. They should be here shortly.”

“They better get here soon,” Jace said, settling in the chair next to Tessa. “I’m starving.”

“Someone better feed him,” Kyle chortled. “I’d hate to see Jace’s beast rear its ugly head. We all might end up on the menu.”

“Careful Kyle,” Casey pointed out. “Remember the last time Jace got pissed off.”

Jace rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” 

Mia held up a plate of biscuits. “Help yourself, Jace. Maybe this will tide you over until the detectives get here.”

“They’re delicious,” Drakon spoke out. “I’ve already had two.”

“Me too,” Lawrence said with his mouth full.

“They must be good,” Roman snidely remarked, grinning at Lawrence. “That was your third one.”

Lawrence merely smirked at Roman.

“Thanks Mia.” Jace reached for a biscuit. “You’re a lifesaver.”

When Jace stuffed the entire thing in his mouth, Tessa shook her head, clearly annoyed by his caveman manners. Just as she was about to say something, Bruce Carmichael, one of the guards, popped his head inside the kitchen and said, “Detectives’ Manuel Sanchez an’ Frank Perkins have arrived.” He spoke with a thick, Scottish accent. “Should ah escort them in?” 

“Of course,” Tessa said. “Thank you, Bruce.”

He nodded and ushered the two detectives into the kitchen.

“Make yourself comfortable, Detectives,” Tim said, easing back into his chair. “You too, Bruce. And I hope you guys brought your appetite. Angel, Mia, and Eve made quite the spread.”

“Thank ye, Mr. Ross,” Bruce said.

“Yeah,” Manuel said. “Thanks for having us over. Everything looks delicious.”

Frank eyeballed all the platters of food as they sat down. “You ladies out did yourselves. Thanks for inviting us.”

“You’re welcome, Detectives,” Angel replied. “Please, dig in.”  

“After we eat,” Tim said, “we’ll meet in the library to talk in private.”

Frank nodded and Manuel said, “Sounds like a plan.”

Not long after everyone finished eating, the women stayed back to clean up, except for Tessa and Helen, while the group of men escorted the two detectives to the library.

The moment everyone gathered around the seating area, Manuel said, “I hope what you have to say has something to do with Mr. Russo’s case.”

“I’m sorry, Detective,” Tim regretfully said. “This is about Jena. But I promise, we’re still working on that issue.”

“I had a feeling this was about Jena.” Manuel exhaled a deep breath. “So, what’s going on?”

After Tim explained the situation concerning the woman and her daughter, including the man who kidnapped them, everyone at the table went speechless.

Finally, Manuel said, “I take it there’s not much left of the kidnapper, am I right?”

Tim shook his head. “His remains are in our morgue.”

“What about that abandoned house?” Frank asked.

“Don’t worry, Detective,” Drakon spoke out. “We made sure everything was taken care of.”

Manuel arched a brow. “Are you saying all the evidence has been destroyed?”

“What would you have us do, Detective?” Drakon replied. “We already know the details, unless you want us to notify the authorities so they can waste taxpayer’s money on an investigation.”

“Okay, okay,” Manuel said. “I get your point. The last thing we need is for this to get out.”

“I know covering up evidence isn’t the best option,” Tim said. “But in this case, we had no other choice.”

“I agree,” Tessa spoke out. “And it’s what God granted Jena to do.”   

“What about an ID?” Manuel said. “Do we know the assailant’s identity?”

Tim placed what looked to be a man’s billfold on the table and said, “We found the guy’s wallet. Peter Ferguson was the name listed on his driver’s license.”

“May I see that?” Manuel asked, pointing to the wallet.

“Of course,” Tim said, sliding it down to Manuel. 

When Manuel got a look at the picture on the driver’s license, his brows went up. It was obvious he recognized the guy.

Frank tilted his head. “Is that who I think it is?”

“It sure the hell is,” Manuel replied, looking up at Frank.

“Well…” Jace shrugged. “Are you going to clue in the rest of us?”

“Jena just solved a big case.” Manuel smiled, but only one side of his mouth curled up. “We’ve been working on it for over two years.”

“What case?” Jace queried.

“He’s talking about the Ferguson case,” Frank interjected. “The guy Jena took out was a notorious rapist and a brutal killer. We just haven’t been able to catch the guy. He’s responsible for the death of fifteen women. And those are just the one’s we found his DNA on. It’s possible there’s more.”

“I’ve heard about this on the news,” Jem commented. “They called him Slippery Pete.”

“Yep,” Frank said. “That’s him alright. Every time we’d get a lead on the guy, he somehow managed to slip through the cracks. Although, I have to say, I’m relieved it’s over.” He threw his hands up in defeat. “Go figure.” 
“Well, I guess Jena solved your problems,” Jace said. “Ol’ Slippery Pete won’t be able to put his hands on another woman ever again.”

“You said that right,” Kyle said. “I’m betting the guy didn’t even have a limb left after Jena’s creature got ahold of him.”

“Actually, she did leave him one arm,” Drakon sarcastically said.

Kyle curled his upper lip and Jace spouted, “Serves him right. If it had been my Beast, the bastard would be lucky to have a head.”

“Okay guys,” Tim grumbled. “I think we get the picture.” 
“What about the woman and her child?” Frank asked. “Are they okay?”

“Thanks to Jena, they survived,” Tim replied. “And she got the woman’s name and address. Miss Martha Dunlap lives at the Adeline Street apartments.”

“Oh man,” Jace muttered, shaking his head. “What’s she doing raising a kid in that area? It’s in a real bad location. Those apartments are overrun with drug dealers.”

 Tim averted his eyes from Jace and looked to Helen. “If you don’t mind, we’d like you to go check on Martha and her daughter. Jena promised we’d make sure they had a medical examination. By what Jena said, and the low-income housing, I take it they don’t have the funds to pay for medical expenses.”

“Of course,” Helen said. “I’d be more than happy to offer my services.” 

“Helen shouldn’t go alone,” Alexander spoke out. “I’ll go with her.”

“Thank you, Alexander,” Tim said. “I was planning on going, but since you’re volunteering, I will go on ahead to the institute with Drakon and Roman.”

Manuel looked at Tim in question. “What institute?”

“The Summit Behavioral Institute,” Tim replied. “It has something to do with Kevin Russo’s murder. We’re not sure, but we may have a lead.”

“What kind of lead?” Manuel asked.

“How ‘bout you and Frank go with us,” Tim pointed out. “We’ll give you the details on the way. Plus, your badge’s might help us get the information we’re looking for.”

“If this will get us closer to finding the perpetrator,” Manuel said, “we’ll definitely do all we can.”  
“Sorry to change the subject,” Jem said, “but just as a precaution, I think it’s a good idea if I go with Helen and Alexander. Jace was right about that apartment complex. It’s really bad.”  
Tim nodded. “Thanks Jem.” 

A soft voice came from the doorway, “I’d like to go too.”

When everyone turned to look, they saw Jena with the door slightly propped open and Nicolas standing behind her.

Tim rose from his chair. “Please….” He motioned them toward the table. “Join us.”

As they approached the table, Nicolas settled Jena in a chair next to Tim and then sat down on the opposite side of her.

“Are you sure you want to go along?” Tim said, looking between Jena and Nicolas. “It would mean giving up your true identity to Miss Dunlap and her daughter.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Jena stated. “I want to reassure them. To let them know someone cares.”

“Jena, you saved their lives,” Tessa pointed out. “I’m sure Miss Dunlap realizes that. I don’t think it’s in your best interest to reveal who you are.”

“I know,” Jena said. “But it would mean a lot to me if I could visit Martha and her daughter, Amy. I want them to see me as I truly am, and not the scary monster they witnessed.”

“If I agree to this,” Tessa said, releasing a sigh, “promise me you’ll keep the Covenant a secret.”  

Jena nodded in agreement. “I give you my word.”
To be continued. . . 


Author Notes
A reference for terms and cast of characters in this chapter, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into wolf form if they are born an identical twin. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. The Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans. Although they live among humans, their species is secret. In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illness or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only way to kill a Breedline.
All male Breedlines change into their first wolf at the age of eighteen. Female Breedlines do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of their Covenant. There is one in every state. A council governs its laws and oversees the species population.

Jace Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Beast) - He is a Breedline species who later discovers he was born with a curse of the Beast, inherited by the Chiang-Shih demon. His bonded mate is Tessa Fairchild. He's an IT engineer and the lead singer and plays acoustic guitar in the band Chaos.

Jem Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Chosen Son) - He is a Breedline species and Jace's identical twin brother. He carries the gene of the Chiang-Shih demon, which gives him the power to create a portal and a force of electrical energy used as a weapon and other powers he discovers later. His bonded mate is Mia Blackwood. He's an IT engineer and the drummer in the band Chaos.

Tessa Fairchild (a.k.a. the Breedline Queen) - She was born into the human world and later discovers she's a Breedline. Abandoned by her parents, and raised by her aunt and uncle, Tessa has no knowledge of being born a twin. After she meets Jace, they become bonded mates. During her first change into her Breedline wolf, she shifts into the new Breedline queen. She is an inspiring artist.

Mia Blackwood - She is a half-breed and Jem's bonded mate. Abandoned at birth and raised in human foster care, she later finds her identical twin sister, Eve.

Eve - She is a half-breed, and Sebastian's bonded mate.

Sebastian Crow - He is a half-breed and Eve's bonded mate. He has the power to summon a portal.

Alexander Crest - He is a Breedline species, Jace and Jem's biological father. He is bonded to Dr. Helen Carrington.

Tim Ross - He is a Breedline species and the council head of the California Covenant.

Angel - She is a half-breed and Tim's bonded mate.

Natalie - She is a half-breed and Tim and Angel's daughter.

Kyle Jones - He is a Breedline species that resides in the California Covenant. Celina Baldolf is his bonded mate. He's a mechanic and plays bass in the rock band Chaos.

Casey Barton - He is a Theriomorph and lives in the California Covenant. He is a clothing model and plays backup bass and keyboards in the band Chaos.

Dr. Helen Carrington - She is a Breedline species and a physician at the California Bates Hospital for both Breedlines and humans. She later bonds to Alexander Crest.

Drakon Hexus - He is a Breedline species and bonded to Cassie Chamberlain.

Cassie Chamberlain - Adopted at age two by Jace and Jem's adoptive parents after her mother abandons her. Later, she discovers she is a Breedline species and bonds with the handsome Drakon Hexus. She is a nurse practitioner, specializing in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Steven Pasquale (a.k.a. Steven Craven) - He inherited the genes of a Breedline and an Adalwolf. He is Tessa Fairchild's fraternal twin and is Abigail Winthrop's bonded mate.

Abbey (a.k.a. Abigail Winthrop) - She inherited the genetics of a Lupa from her mother and is bonded with Steven Craven.

Roman Kincaid - He is an Adalwolf trained in military tactics, hired as a special breed of warriors from Brazil.

Lawrence Colbert - A Breedline council member of the New Jersey Covenant, trained in military tactics and as a medic who worked alongside Roman Kincaid, the Special Ops team, and the Breedline Covenant to help take down Valkin Steele.

Detective Manuel Sanchez - He is a homicide detective at the San Francisco Police Department who late discovers he carries the Breedline genetics. His partner is Detective Frank Perkins. His sister is Lailah.

Detective Frank Perkins - He is Manuel Sanchez's partner and discovers the secret world of the Breedline. Born as a human, Frank pledges his loyalty to the Breedline. Fighting alongside his partner, they take an oath to help the Breedline protect the world from corruption and unknown creatures that prey on the innocent.

Jena McCain - She is a young artist with the ability to speak with the dead. After an age-old creature rises from years of slumber to feast on humans, it attacks Jena, leaving her cursed to take it's place. Although she will live for eternity killing for blood, she will only hunt evil.

Nicolas Ratcliff - He is immortal and is in love with Jena McCain.


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