- Murder Mysteryby scongrove
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The Curse/A Novel of the Breedline series
: Murder Mystery by scongrove

Thanks for taking the time to read my chapter. This one is new, so if you catch mistakes, please let me know. Stay safe & enjoy!

There was something about Kevin Russo’s murder that didn’t make a damn bit of sense, Manuel thought as he drove to the Breedline Covenant. Who or what had the kind of strength to rip a man’s heart completely out of his chest cavity? And for what reason? He’d never seen anything like it in all his years working as a detective.

Of course, he’d never believe in a million years that there were humans with the ability to shift into wolves. And not your average wolves either. They were as big, if not bigger, than horses. They called themselves Breedlines. Not to mention other supernatural creatures he’d only thought to be a myth or a fairytale. The Breedline species had, in each state, their own laws and a Covenant. They served as protectors for all mankind against evil forces. Now, he and his partner, Frank Perkins somehow found themselves smack dab in the middle of their world. And to add to all the madness, he’d recently found out he carried their DNA. 

According to the Breedline, you had to be born with an identical twin for the wolf thing to happen. Since the Breedline males shifted on their eighteenth birthday, and Manuel was already in his fifties and to his knowledge he’d never produced a tail or howled at the moon, it was evident he wasn’t going to transform into a hairy beast anytime soon.    
As he refocused back to Mr. Russo’s murder, the only thing that he could come up with was human organ trafficking. To make matters worse, they had nothing to go by, no leads, not even a single drop of evidence at the crime scene.

Instantly, his gut clenched as his thoughts took him to the worst part of his job. Having to tell someone their loved one had been murdered was something you could never get out of your head. He’d traveled down that road one too many times in the last thirty years he’d spent in homicide. He could still picture all the grief-stricken faces and all the heart-wrenching tears. It was something he knew all too well. He’d never forget the day his mother had received the news of his sister’s murder. It had been years ago, but it still stuck in his head like it was yesterday. That day had changed his life forever. It had been the main reason he’d chosen a career in law enforcement. He took an oath to serve and protect the innocent and that’s exactly what he’d promised his mother before she passed away. To finally bring justice to his sister’s case. Dealing with complete strangers was one thing, but when it happened in your own home, that was another.

“So, you think the Covenant has a lead on Mr. Russo’s case?”

With his hand gripped around the wheel, Manuel briefly glanced at his partner and said, “Let’s hope they hell they do. So far, we’ve got shit to go on.”

“Yeah,” Frank sighed. “Right now, anything would be better than nothing.”

“How’s your niece?” Manuel said, changing the subject a little.

“Carrie seems to be doing alright, considering what all she’s been through. And as a matter of fact, according to what my wife says, Carrie has met someone.”

“Really?” Manuel cocked a brow. “When did this happen?”

“Remember when she lost her purse?”

Manuel nodded, thinking back to that dreadful day when Frank’s niece was attacked. If it weren’t for Jena McCain intervening, God knows what would have happened. It also made him wonder about how they were going to keep up with all the body parts Jena’s creature left behind. Were they going to have to continue their efforts of covering it up or would the Breedline Covenant find a way to solve the issue? Although Jena only hunted evil people, which in turn kept the city safer by eliminating rapist and killers, he was still concerned that her creature would be seen by an innocent onlooker. If word got out about another werewolf siting, they’d have a widespread panic on their hands yet again. Dealing with human monsters were one thing, but the supernatural kind… that was entirely out of their league.

Manuel came back to reality when Frank went on say, “Apparently, some guy found it. He got Carrie’s address from her ID and took it to her. I guess they somehow hit it off by what Missy said when she talked to Carrie the other day. He asked her out on a date.”
“It sounds like things are turning up for her,” Manuel said. “After everything she’s had to endure, she deserves some good luck for a change.”

“I agree.” Frank nodded. “That poor girl has definitely had her share of hardships.”

“Have you met him?”

“No,” Frank said. “Not yet. But her roommate has. Jessica seems to approve.”

“Are you going to run a background check on this guy?”
“Nah,” Frank said, shaking his head. “I think I’ll give Carrie the benefit of the doubt this time. She seems to really like the guy and going by what she described to my wife, so far, he’s a true gentleman. She said it’s the first time a guy has opened a car door for her.”

“That’s rare these days, especially with the younger generation,” Manuel said. “What’s this guy do for a living?”

“He’s a freelance journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle.”

“Well, at least this one’s got a job and doesn’t live off mommy and daddy like her last boyfriend. Speaking of Mr. Russo, how’s Carrie handling his death?”

Frank shrugged. “She seems to be taking it fairly well. I think meeting someone new has helped. Besides, I have to say, Kevin Russo wasn’t exactly the nicest guy. He was nothing more than a spoiled brat and he treated Carrie like she was beneath him.”

“Yeah,” Manuel said with a slight smirk in his voice. “You can thank his parents for that. Hell, what do you expect when you buy your adult kid a car that costs as much as a house? And not to mention the penthouse they were paying for. That’s what’s wrong with all these young adults nowadays. They never learn the meaning of hard-earned money. Instead of making them work for it, their parents just keep doling out the cash.”

“I hear ya, Detective,” Frank said. “I’m just grateful my parents taught me the value of a dollar so I could pass it on. It’s discouraging that in today’s times a lot of parents don’t teach their children good work ethics. I think Missy and I did a pretty decent job raising Carrie. That young lady is one hard worker. We’re so proud of her. She was so young when her parents died. After Missy and I took her in, we’ve always considered her as our daughter. Since we couldn’t have children of our own, Carrie was like a blessing.” Then he chuckled. “Listen to us go on. We sound like a couple of old coots.”

“Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Manuel grunted. “We’re not exactly spring chickens.”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red sports car cut in front of them.

“Shit!” Manuel said through gritted teeth, slamming on the brakes.

As the driver peered into his rearview mirror, he got a glimpse of flashing red and blue lights. He instantly pumped his brakes and slowed down.  

“Probably one of those little rich bastards,” Manuel said as he sped up and rode the guys bumper.

“Maybe we ought to pull him over and give him a few driving pointers,” Frank remarked. “And a big ol’ fat ticket to go with it."

Manuel checked his watch. “Next time, partner,” he said, smiling as they passed by the driver who had pulled over, obviously expecting a ticket. “We’ve got more pressing issues to deal with.”

“Whatever you say, buddy,” Frank said. “But if it had been me, I would have pulled that guy over and gave him a good old-fashioned tongue lashing.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Manuel grumbled as he switched off the flashing lights and stomped on the accelerator. “Let’s just focus on our task ahead. I’m dying to know the reason Tim Ross asked us to stop by the Covenant so early on a Sunday.” 
“Didn’t he say why in the message he left you?”

“No.” Manuel shook his head. “He invited us over for breakfast and mentioned they had a situation last night they wanted to discuss.”

“A situation?” Frank queried, tilting his head. “I wonder if this has anything to do with Jena?”

“Who knows. Although I’m hoping they found some information on whoever murdered Kevin Russo.”

“Maybe this time we’ll catch a break,” Frank replied.

“Yeah, well… keep your fingers crossed.” Manuel let out a frustrated sigh. “Considering our luck lately, we’re going to need all the help we can get.”   

To be continued. . .  


Author Notes
A reference for terms and cast of characters in the chapter, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into wolf form if they are born an identical twin. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. The Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans. Although they live among humans, their species is secret. In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illness or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only way to kill a Breedline.
All male Breedlines change into their first wolf at the age of eighteen. Female Breedlines do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth. Born with telepathic abilities, they have the power to sense their twin's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins is so strong they cannot live without the other.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of their Covenant. There is one in every state. A council governs its laws and oversees the species population.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have a book of laws. If disobeyed, they must face the Breedline council. Punishment for taking another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life and the life of another - they will instantly shift into a rogue wolf for life and shunned by the Breedline Covenants.

Detective Manuel Sanchez - He is a homicide detective at the San Francisco Police Department who late discovers he carries the Breedline genetics. His partner is Detective Frank Perkins. His sister is Lailah.

Detective Frank Perkins - He is Manuel Sanchez's partner and discovers the secret world of the Breedline. Born as a human, Frank pledges his loyalty to the Breedline. Fighting alongside his partner, they take an oath to help the Breedline protect the world from corruption and unknown creatures that prey on the innocent.

Tim Ross - He is a Breedline species and the council head of the California Covenant.

Carrie Randall - She is a substance abuse counselor. She is Detective Frank Perkin's niece.

Jessica Phillips - She is Carrie's roommate and best friend.

Kevin Russo - He is Carrie's ex-boyfriend.

Jena McCain - She is a young artist with the ability to speak with the dead. After an age-old creature rises from years of peaceful slumber to feast on humans, he attacks Jena and curses her for eternity. Although she later destroys the creature, she will take on its bloodlust, but only hunts evil people.


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