General Non-Fiction posted July 20, 2020

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God is always right in time!

Waiting on Faith

by lynglyng

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1

My father was a hardworking man, full of Integrity and high morals. A Christian man strong in his faith. My mother left my father after twenty-five years of marriage. she left him for her high school sweet-heart who had come back to our small town.

My father being A kind man did not fight my mother's request for a divorce instead he agreed to give her half of everything because he said that she had kept a tidy household and taken good care us kids.

The House was to be sold and split between mom and dad. Unfortunately, it took two years to sell. When the court appointed time came for my father to pay my mother her half, he did not have the money.

The day they went to court, my mother stood silent as the judge said my father would have to be locked up unless he could come up with fifteen thousand dollars within the next twent-four hours. 

We left the court house my dad, my brother and myself. Some family and friends has come over to see how things had gone and give us moral support. 
We all sat around astonished that things had turned out so wrong for such a good man who loved the Lord and strived to serve the Lord as best that he could. 

I was only seven-teen when they divorced. I remember saying to my dad, "It's not fair! How could God let you suffer and you are not the one who did wrong?"

I will never forget the faith that my dad showed at that moment… he looked right in my eyes and said, “Kim, if God never does another thing for me, He has already done more than I will ever deserve by sending His son to die in my place. I will not ask why, I will only continue to trust Him and praise His Holy name.”

The next morning when it was time to go back to court, there was a knock on our door. My Aunt Pat was standing there. She asked to come in. We told her we were about to leave to go to court. She asked for just a few minutes. Sitting around the table she told us of how she had just retired and received her 401k money. It happened to be exactly fifteen thousand dollars. She wanted to loan it to my Dad until he sold the house. 

God is so good. Aunt Pat said the Lord impressed upon her to Loan my dad the money. Her check was the exact amount my dad owed. 

That time in my life is only one of the many times that God has shown up in the nick of time. He is always on time and He will never let us down. Without  faith we have nothing.


Faith writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story or essay about faith.

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