| General Poetry
posted March 2, 2020 |
A tale for those who like a challenge.
Catching the Big One
I oft recall that warm sweet day
when summer came again in fall.
My friend and I both recklessly
skipped out of school to go AWOL.
A little lake awaited us,
and there we'd pedaled on my bike
not much concerned 'bout looks we got,
just picturing the Big One's strike.
We knew if caught there'd be a fine
for fishing out of season here,
but ditching school would cost us, too.
Our goal was worth it. That was clear.
That summer we had met by chance,
a guy and girl who loved to fish.
Each day we'd try from dawn till noon
to catch our limit, our sole wish.
On certain days a worm would work;
sometimes a fresh-caught crawdad's tail.
Smart kids, we learned to improvise.
She once got lucky with a snail.
The Big One was a rainbow trout,
the biggest we had ever seen.
A wily foe who'd nibble bait,
play with the hook and leave it clean.
"Today's the day! I know it, Pete.
He's out there waiting . . . thinks he'll win.
But not this time. We know his tricks.
He's ours!" said Stevie with a grin.
We scanned the shore and chose our site,
an inlet thick with yellow pine.
It didn't take much time at all
to bait a hook and cast a line.
The current dragged it by the shore
into a clump of yellow reeds,
through stagnant pools of green algae,
brown clotted leaves, and floating weeds.
Then suddenly it dipped and sank
beneath the surface, disappeared.
The line went taut, my pole was bent.
"It's him!" I yelled as Stevie cheered.
I'd hooked him good and felt his weight.
I heard the squeal as line spun from
my metal reel and he took off.
I didn't panic. I stayed calm.
He then exploded, leaping high.
Airborne he twisted. What a sight!
A gleaming silver missile rose
and fought the hook to our delight.
He plunged back in, then leaped again.
Despite his tricks he couldn't toss
that dreadful hook, escape his foes.
A gallant effort but a loss.
But when at last we pulled him in,
my partner wept and turned away.
"He's much too beautiful to keep.
Release him, please. without delay."
I snipped the hook and let him go.
"Oh, Pete, you didn't hesitate."
"That's true," I said. "Because you're right.
Our friend deserves a better fate."
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type and any length that tells a story.
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