General Poetry posted February 26, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
Because the simple words were forbidden...

Complicated Beauty

by Y. M. Roger

The sight I see out my front door,
I'm not allowed to simplify:
The trees and shrubs all effloresce
As water’s falling from the sky…
Glad trumpet vines each pullulate,
An urbane sight that draws my eye.
Verdurous blades rise to salute
The water falling from the sky…
Lantana’s inflorescence bursts,
Insipient, their visage shy.
The boscage opens wide to catch
That water falling from the sky…
The brackens and the chaparral
Join nature's jubilant outcry:
The trees and shrubs all effloresce
As water’s falling from the sky!

Poem for Spring writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem for spring. You can not use the words: flower, buds, blossoms, rain, new.



'Twas fun, I confess... ;o)

Effloresce -- burst into bloom; blossom
Pullulate -- send forth sprouts, buds, etc; germinate
Urbane -- reflecting elegance or sophistication
Verdurous -- freshly green; flourishing
Inflorescence -- a flower cluster
Insipient -- beginning to appear; in an initial stage
Boscage -- a mass of trees or shrubs; thicket
Bracken -- a cluster or thicket of large ferns
Chaparral -- a dense growth of small trees
Jubilant -- you know this one, right? ;o)

Image of 'it's raining in my garden' from PicMix []
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