| Humor Poetry
posted January 5, 2020 |
A 20 line acrostic poem.
Twenty Item bucket List
T ravel to Bali would be grand, working my toes into the sand.
W andering around the Great Wall, so imposing long, wide and tall.
E ating delish exotic food, producing a contented mood.
N ever carrying a cell phone, enjoying life sometimes alone.
T ee time scheduled for every day, without obligation to pay.
Y achting across the seven seas, having a crew would be the key.
I taly's Isle of Capri, nicely au natural and free.
T aking a hot air balloon flight, fighting back fright with all my might.
E xamining the Pyramid, my focus would be riveted.
M eeting the Pope at Vatican, never has been an African.
B eating some type of world record, break it fast so not to get bored.
U nderwater scuba diving, treasure adventure conniving.
C ounting all of the stars one night, keeping track of each one in sight.
K icking a twenty yard field goal, in the twenty twenty rose bowl.
E arn a trip with Olympic team, tiddlywink champion is my dream.
T raveling into outer space, leaving behind the human race.
L ottery winner would be nice, along with financial advice.
I nvesting in a jackpot stock, would make my financial talk rock.
S caling a Mount Everest peak, praying I can if not too meek.
T urning the pages of my list, finding not one item was missed.
Top 20 Bucket List writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
What are the Top 20 things on your bucket list? This can be fictional but should include some humor too. The format is a 20-line acrostic poem. Spell out something, such as "Twenty Item Bucket List" with your entry.
This is all about 20. The 20 item list. The title has 20 letters. The poem has 20 lines. This is an acrostic poem and the first letter of each line spells the title. Each line has two phrases, of 8 syllables each. The phrases rhyme. The list is both fictional and real. I tried to include some humor too. Enjoy!
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