General Non-Fiction posted October 18, 2019 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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So loved, will be so missed

A chapter in the book Blended Reality


by JLR

She was born to be the sweetest dog a family could ever want. Short in stature, long on love.

Rey came into our home to be groomed and trained for therapy dog training eight months ago. Rey was at the time we purchased her a two-year-old English Lab, yellow with a butterscotch stripe down her spine. Rey was too short to be in the AKC ring as a show dog, our fortune!

We had the perfect setup for her home. As we brought her from the breeder across our state, we knew she was going to be a car traveler. Arriving home, she had full use of an acre of land where she could freely roam. We hired a great trainer to work with my wife, who was going to be Rey's handler throughout the training and therapy dog program.

It is a strange thing with dogs, Rey immediately adopted our tranquil home, she took to her crate for sleeping with ease, and it still surprises us that she doesn't bark. As we have had her interfacing with other dogs, Rey has presented herself as a very tolerant and friendly sentient being. One thing any dog lover knows is that silly twisting of the dog's head when you are locked eyeball to eyeball, and you find yourself wondering, is this animal trying to learn my language? Rey has that funny little cocked head, and her ears will lay back and stare right back, and it seems as though we are in some cosmic dance.

Two weeks ago, my wife and Rey tangled. They were going to the front door. However, my wife was using a walker, having had hip replacement surgery -- Rey, short in stature and hefty fifty-five pounds.

My wife crashed, broken badly. Rey, unfortunately, is being re-homed.

299 words

Beautiful Creatures writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short essay about an animal - maximum 300 words. It can be a beloved pet or a wild animal you admire. The photo you include should be of the animal, or type of animal, you are describing.


Sometimes life happens that prevents the perfect plans and changes have to occur that are outside of our control and we suffer in volumes with the feelings of loss. But hard decisions must always include the welfare and health of our beloved animals, we will miss Rey, but she will thrive and that is most important.
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