General Flash Fiction posted October 13, 2019

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He couldn't keep his hands off me. (50 words)

He Was My Main Squeeze

by LisaMay

He was rather handy in a tight squeeze, but when he became preoctopied with his boring low-crab diet and pulled a mussel exercising to Ink Floyd’s music, I said “Goodbye, sucker,” and went off with his i-tentacle twin – a Choral Reef choir member who wrote poems with a SQWERTY keyboard.


Author's Note:
This is number 15 in the series of my hypothetical 'new boyfriends'. The encounter does not reflect well on me. I would not do this in real life. (That twin was an octopus, too, for heaven's sake! I DO learn from my mistakes.)

The octopus is a soft-bodied, eight-limbed mollusc of the order Octopoda. Around 300 species are recognised. The order is grouped within the class Cephalopoda with squids, cuttlefish, and nautiloids. The soft body can rapidly alter its shape, enabling octopuses to squeeze through small gaps.

Is 'octopuses' or 'octopi' the correct plural of 'octopus'? 'Octopuses' is a perfectly legitimate English plural, and the oldest attested to. 'Octopi' is also an acceptable choice, and one in wide use, but you run the risk of being informed that it is incorrect. Well-meaning people may tell you that -i is a Latin plural, but 'octopus' actually comes from the Greek.
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