Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted September 25, 2019 Chapters:  ...61 62 -63- 64... 

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Just Thinking or Justly Thinking?
A chapter in the book Pappa's Memories and Ramblings

Justly Thoughts?

by QC Poet

Justly Thoughts Make an Appearance?
Recalling Trys at Benificience,
Inspiring Meaningful Spiritual Conscience!
Fate Will Question our Adherence.

Adherence or Dodge Decisions?
Forgiveness and Redemption's Evasions?
Reframing Emotions adding to Frustrations?
Creates Unwelcomed Divisions! 

Divisions Unsettling Grumbles? 
Free those Doubts, Invoke a Sense That Humbles!
Help People Avoid Sinful Inevitables,
Stop Taking any Bigger Gambles!

Gambles and Fights are Done Justly!
Instilling Faith and Conveys Love Kindly.
Growing Love just Costs Recalling Deeds Learnedly!
To Take Steps Forward more Justly. 


Justly Thoughts?
By; Chochee Medina
(A.K.A.) George Martinez
Potlatch Poem Club Submission
A Remy la Rhyme Entry.
Photo Credit; photo is from a Free Native American Site FB Internet Download;

1. A Remy la Rhyme consists of;
Please see Potlatch Poetry Contest,
9/06/2019 Under Remy la Rhyme Rules

2. Please Read the Capitalized Words Again only - for A Second Similar Interpretive Poem that is shared Within this offering.

3. Definitions as applied in this poem;
A. Benificience:
a)noun; the doing of good; active goodness or kindness; charity.
b) a beneficent act or gift; benefaction.

B. Inevitables: (adjective)
a) unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary:an inevitable conclusion.
b) sure to occur, happen, or come; unalterable:The inevitable end of human life is death.
c) (noun)that which is unavoidable

C. Learnedly: (adverb)
a) Having profound, often systematic knowledge; erudite.
� b) Showing or characterized by such knowledge: a learned journal.
c) Acquired by learning or experience: learned behavior.

Club entry for the "Remy la Rhyme / 9-6-2019" event in "club potlatch".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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