Supernatural Fiction posted June 30, 2019 Chapters:  ...14 15 -16- 17... 

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THE IMMORTAL/A Novel of the Breedline series

A chapter in the book THE IMMORTAL

Unwelcome Visitor

by scongrove

Thank you for reading my chapter. It's still in the working stages, so if you see any mistakes, please let me know. Enjoy!
Previously . . .

After an age-old creature—buried deep in the ground—rises from years of peaceful slumber to feast on humans, it attacks Jena McCain—a young artist who has the ability to speak with the dead—and infects her with the Rougarou curse. As the virus spreads through her body, Jena must resist her newly found urges for human blood for one hundred and one days. If she succumbs to the blood lust, she will become the thing that has cursed her.    

Now that the creature is hunting humans, and infected an innocent young girl, God tasks Lailah—a battle angel gifted with the power of holy fire—with an important mission. She must take the Fury and Sebastian back to earth for the sole purpose of destroying this savage creature.  

Desperate to find the red-headed angel, Roman confides in his closest friend Lawrence. After Roman explains to his friend about bonding with the angel, Lawrence tells him about his sister’s secret and how she could help locate the angel.

When Lawrence takes Roman to speak with his sister, Melanie—who was a guardian angel in her past life—she discovers the Angel Roman is searching for, is in love with him as well. But to her surprise, Melanie shockingly finds out there is a creature killing humans, and the battle angels are coming back to earth to try to destroy it, bringing with them the Fury and Sebastian. As she explains this to Roman and Lawrence, she also tells them about the human that’s been bitten and cursed by the creature.    

While Roman and Lawrence head back to the Covenant to relay the news about the creature, they come across a woman standing in the middle of the road. When they approach her, she appears injured as though she’s been in a car accident. In the process of helping the young woman—who identifies herself as Tara Hood—she tells them what happened. Apparently, on the way home, Tara and her boyfriend Brandon spun off the road when a mysterious, wolfish creature ran out in front of their vehicle. Unfortunately, Brandon did not survive. He was savagely killed by the creature in which Lawrence and Roman suspect is the same one that attacked and bit Jena McCain in the Salem Cemetery. Afraid to get the human police involved, Roman stays behind, waiting for assistance from the Breedline to clean up Brandon’s body while Lawrence drives Tara to the Covenant for her safety. On the way, Lawrence is totally blindsided by an odd feeling about Tara. It’s as though he has bonded with her in some strange way.   

Continued . . .

Tara glanced at the clock on the wall, surprised at how late it was. A little past midnight, and everything seemed quiet around her. She hadn’t seen or heard from Lawrence since he last visited her. He promised when he returned, he would tell her about this mysterious place, and what had brutally attacked Brandon.

She tried to close her eyes and rest, but she didn’t feel like sleeping. She wasn’t even tired. She was mostly frustrated. She couldn’t get her mind off the thing that killed Brandon. What was it, and would it come back for me?  
Feeling more restless by the minute, Tara winced in pain as she eased off the bed and stood up. She held herself on the IV pole until it shook from the effort of keeping her body upright. She carefully put one foot in front of the other until she got to the door. As she placed her ear against it, all she could hear was the sounds of buzzing coming from the fluorescent lights on the other side.   

Tara wondered how big this place really was, and what the rest of it looked like. Her curiosity got the better of her. Maybe I’ll just take a quick peek around.

The door made a creaking noise as she slowly cracked it open and stuck her head out. The coast was clear. She let out a deep breath, realizing she had been holding it, and made her way into the hall.

When she finally made it down to the end of a long corridor, she cautiously pushed open a set of double doors. Beyond them was a gym big enough to fit an entire football team. The room housed a variety of cardiovascular machines and tons of weight equipment, some of which she had no clue to what they were. Black mats were stacked against the far end of the wall, and there were at least a half a dozen red punching bags hanging from the ceiling. 
At a snail’s pace, she moved to the far side of the gym and stopped in front of a door marked as WEAPONS ROOM. As she reached to open it, she paused before her hand made contact with the elongated handle. Although her gut instincts warned her otherwise, she pushed her way inside. 

Her eyes rounded in amazement at the amount of shelved weapons. An arsenal of military weaponry was stored on racks and locked in glass cabinets. As all kinds of terrifying scenarios went through her head—wondering why in the hell they needed weapons of this magnitude—she heard a man’s voice echo from behind, calling out her name.

“Tara . . .” 

She twisted her head to the side and said, “Lawrence, is that you?”

“Lawrence is not here, Tara.” The voice pronounced each word with a deep drawl. “He cannot protect you now.”

She could hear the smugness in his tone. He had an American accent with a slight hint of the south.

Her pulse leapt and her fight-or-flight reflexes screamed inside of her. It took every ounce of courage she possessed to keep herself calm.

In a cold voice, he said, “No one can protect you.”

Tara’s hand trembled as she braced herself against the portable medical device and shifted around. A tall, dark figure stood in the dark shadows.

Her voice trembled. “Who are you?”  

“You know who I am, Tara.” Another hint of smug superiority bathed his tongue.

“Y-you’re the one who killed Brandon, aren’t you?”

For an endless moment, there was silence. Then, out of nowhere, he was on her in an instant.

Tara gasped in shock, her ability to move suddenly drifting into a weary fog. 

As her knees began to buckle, a pair of strong hands held her up. She could feel sharp nails digging into her skin and warm lips tracing the curve of her neck. Her mouth opened to call for help, but strangely, she could not muster a single word. Tara hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath until the grip around her arms loosened and his fingers glided down the back of her thin gown.  

Trapped in a web of terror, her only awareness was a sinister voice that whispered in her ear, “You’ll be with your beloved Brandon soon.” 

Tara clenched her lids shut, preparing for him to strike, but instead, he hesitated and inhaled a deep breath.  
On a quick exhale, he let out a disgusted groan. “You’re not human.” His words ended in a guttural growl.  

Before Tara could open her eyes, he simply vanished, leaving her limbs weak and helpless. Moaning at the effort to stay on her feet, she felt she could no longer find the strength. She heard the dull echo of a clatter as she fell to the floor, taking down the iron portable pole along with her.  
The sound of a door opening brought her head upright. Footsteps began to move in her direction. Tara felt sick with dread, sick with the killer’s promising words of death. His voice echoed mockingly in her head. She could still feel his lips on her throat. 

Oh, god, was he coming back?

Tara panicked when she saw the shadowed silhouette of someone getting closer and closer. With her mind focused on an escape, she maneuvered herself on all fours and slowly crawled as if she were trudging through thick mud, getting absolutely nowhere.    

“Ms. Hood?” A woman’s voice called out. “Are you okay?”

Tara froze in confusion and looked around. Then, she breathed a sigh of relief. Standing before her was a woman with long brown hair, and bright emerald-green eyes that expressed concern. Perched over her left hip was a blonde-haired little boy that didn’t look much older than a year. He was pointing his finger and mumbling gibberish.
She felt utterly exhausted, yet still terrified. Brandon’s killer could be out there right now, watching and waiting.

Tara stared nervously at the woman and finally managed to speak. “I swear, something was just here, and it disappeared into thin air.” Her voice trembled. “It was the thing that killed my boyfriend. And I think it wants to kill me.”

For a brief second, the woman stood in silence. With concern brimming in her eyes, she knelt down with the little boy in her arms. “Are you saying someone was here in this room with you?”

Tara reluctantly nodded.

“What did this thing look like?”

“It was a man,” Tara told her. “But I’m positive it was the same creature that killed Brandon.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because—” Tara’s voice wavered. “He said I would be with Brandon soon.”

The woman placed her free hand over Tara’s trembling shoulder. “Did he hurt you?”

Tara shook her head. “No, but he said something strange to me. It didn’t make any sense.”

She looked at Tara confused. “What did he say?”

“He said I wasn’t human.”      

“You’re safe now, Ms. Hood.” The woman’s voice was firm, trying her best to keep her reaction calm and collected. “I give you my word. No one is going to harm you here.” Her voice seemed genuine. “I’m Tessa, by the way. And this is my son Jax.”

“Do you live here?”

“Yes,” Tessa replied. “I guess you could say I oversee everything. Each and every one of us here is like a big family.” She lightly squeezed Tara’s shoulder and then rose to her feet. “Tara, you really shouldn’t be out of bed. Please, come with me. I’ll help you back to your room.”

She became at ease with Tessa’s soothing words. For Tara suddenly realized she was no longer in danger. Before she got to her feet, she heard a light meow. A black cat slunk out from the shadows to rub affectionately against Tara’s arm.

“Don’t worry,” Tessa said. “He’s very friendly. His name is Buddy.”

“Kitty,” Jax murmured, directing his finger at the cat.

Tara smiled and reached out to the furry feline. It arched his back as she smoothed her hand over his sleek, soft fur.

“Looks like you’ve made a new friend.” Tessa laughed a little. “Although my husband brought him home, Buddy kind of adopted us.”

“He’s beautiful,” Tara said. “He reminds me of a stray cat that used to hang around my foster parent’s old barn when I was a little girl. I brought him milk every morning before I left for school. I named him Midnight. I think that cat was the only real friend I ever had as a child.” Her eyes stared in the distance as though her mind was miles away.

“What happened to him?” Tessa hesitantly asked, bringing Tara back to focus.

“I don’t know.” Tara shrugged her shoulders. “When I went to feed him one morning, he never came. It took me a whole month before I finally realized he wasn’t coming back.”  
Tessa looked at her sorrowful. “I’m so sorry, Tara. That must have been painful as a child.”

“Oh, that was a long time ago,” said Tara as she struggled to stand.

Tessa quickly put Jax down, reached for Tara’s IV pole, and stood it upright. “Here, let me help you,” she said, offering her hand to Tara. 

As Tara took ahold of Tessa’s hand, she slowly got to her feet and said, “Thank you, Tessa.” She reached for the intravenous pole to help steady herself. “And please, call me Tara.”

“You’re welcome, Tara. Now, let’s get you back to bed,” Tessa said as she picked up Jax. “I’ll make sure you have guards posted outside your room.”

“Do you know when Lawrence will return?” Tara bluntly asked.

“Uh, well,” Tessa stumbled with her words, caught off guard by Tara’s question. She didn’t want to share too much information with Tara since the Covenant hadn’t decided what all they were going to tell her just yet. “I’m not exactly sure. I know he went with my husband and some of the other men to help Detective Sanchez with a case earlier.”
Tara’s brows furrowed. “Does it have anything to with the thing that killed my boyfriend?”

“No, Tara. It has nothing to do with the creature that is responsible for your boyfriend’s death. But I promise, we are doing everything we can to give Brandon and the others its killed, justice,” Tessa simply said. “And I know you’re confused and you have a lot of questions. As soon as Lawrence and the others return, we will do our best to explain everything we can. Right now my main concern is keeping you and my family safe.”

Tara nodded and let out a deep breath. “Thank you, Tessa.”

Hidden in the dark shadows, he watched in silent fury as Tara and the other woman with the child in her arms, exited the room. His body craved the taste of human blood, and his options were not as planned. The two women and the child were anything but human. Left with no other choice, he would have to search for another. 
Before his ghostly apparition completely vanished, he hesitated when a pair of glowing green eyes peered in his direction.   
It cannot be, he thought as the mysterious, green-eyed stalker moved closer. Then, from out of the shadows, a black cat appeared, but he knew it was no ordinary house cat.

The cat then arched his back and hissed at the unwelcome visitor. Out of nowhere, magic flared in a surge of power, forcing the feline to shift into its human form. A blinding light suddenly burst from the small animal, and when it faded, a man took its place. His glowing eyes were slit pupiled, and a pair of black wings unsheathed from his back. 

The ghostly creature’s chest lifted and fell on a deep breath. “Raphael—” 

The black-winged angel flashed a wicked smile, revealing two sharp teeth, pointed like a canine's. He stepped forward with a warning. “Leave this place, evil creature. You are not welcome here.”

“You hold no power over me,” he went on, ignoring the angel’s warning.

Raphael’s nostrils flared in anger. “Not only do I possess the power of healing,” he said, extending his hand. “I have the power to bring forth pain.”

Instantly, the Angel of healing released an invisible barrier of magnetic energy from the palm of his hand. The weight of the blow sent the bloodthirsty phantom flying several feet away. Winded and in terrible pain, he recoiled, lurching back as white-hot agony pierced his chest like a burning blade.
Impossible, he thought as pain sliced through him. The place on his chest where the angel had struck him burned as if he’d been hit by lightning. Soon after, a rush of weakness coursed through him that he had never felt before.

As the evil creature’s body began to dematerialize, he tossed his head back and howled in silent agony.

To be continued . . . 


NOTE: This is not part of the chapter. A reference for terms and cast of characters, especially for new readers.

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into a wolf. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. Breedline species can shift into their wolf form at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans with a bite or scratch like the Lycanthropy myth.
The Breedline only get their wolf form if they are born with an identical twin. Although they live among humans, their species is secret.
In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illnesses or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only thing that can kill a Breedline.
All males change into their wolf at the age of eighteen. Females do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - Identical twins that are born from either one or both parents of the Breedline species. They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth. Born with telepathic abilities, they have the power to sense the other's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins are so strong, they cannot live without the other.

BREEDLINE BONDING - The male Breedline spends their life in search of their bonded mate. When two Breedlines experience a bond, they instantly feel a simultaneous, desirable attraction. They bond for life. It is possible for them to have more than one mate in their lifespan.

BELOVED - A word used by a Breedline to express the bond to their mate.

DOUBLE BONDED - In some cases, male Breedline twins bond with the same female but one will carry a stronger bond. Usually one of them must sacrifice for the other twin.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of a Covenant. There is one in every state. A council governs their laws and oversees the species population.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - A Breedline queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. She rules over all the Breedline Covenants where she makes all the final decisions. This is their absolute True Law.

THE QUEEN'S RING - When a Breedline queen places the ring on, it instantly shifts in size to fit her finger.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have an ancient book of laws. If disobeyed, they must face the possibility of being shunned, and no longer protected by their Covenant. If a Breedline takes another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life, and the life of another - they will never have the ability to shift back into human form.

ROGUE WOLF - A Breedline shunned by their Covenant for taking another life out of revenge or evil and forced to live as a wolf until death without the ability to change into human form again. Some rogue wolves form into packs, which can be dangerous for other Breedline species.

Roman Kincaid -He is an Adalwolf trained in military tactics, hired as a special breed of warriors from Brazil. Hired as a bodyguard for Valkin Steele - a billionaire funding a group of unethical scientist's research - he later learns of Steele's underground sex-trafficking and illegal drug and weapons trade, and informs the Breedline Covenant. He also forms a team of Breedline soldiers who work for a private Special Ops group contracted by the military for missions that no one else can or will do to help put an end to Valkin Steele's corrupt organization.

Lawrence Colbert - A Breedline council member of the New Jersey Covenant, trained in military tactics and as a medic who worked alongside Roman Kincaid, the Special Ops Team, and the Breedline Covenant to help take down Valkin Steele.

Tessa Fairchild (a.k.a. the Breedline Queen) - She was born into the human world and later discovers she's a Breedline. Abandoned by her parents, and raised by her aunt and uncle, Tessa has no knowledge of being born a twin. After she meets Jace, they become bonded mates. During her first change into her Breedline wolf, she became the new Breedline queen. She is an inspiring artist.

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