| Mystery and Crime Poetry
posted September 27, 2018 |
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Submit To Wrong
A chapter in the book Act Of Endurance
Down On My Knee
Law, rip, just in case, place flaw, stop trap right, defer a rightful trust in law set rule, hiding deceits, bust victim fairness for legal rights, label them as guilty: before court even open.
Courtroom, in law's room trap, weakens a bone, having a tone, by a verdict, to plot, face it alone, pressed lips tight, not with a huge stone you, acts put to do wrong; harmful: by law.
Whispers, felt a spear, heard to lower ears, set threat fears, law of colleagues, ear, idealization once of; flipping an ignorant tear: did to fully an injustice.
Fool to believe, cast judgement by might it's a legal to, aims to protect don't see, hate live to beam, ruling is evil, posing as a good light, in unjust eyesight; be guilty: an innocent man.
I dispute this, in a law ruled fact trust, denounce a payment to bad, reject, as rightness illusions, filled renews pleasure, without any aid, release forth cure; factors: at cruel folks throats.
My best, to die, on down knees, right less, being a good opposite, of it, expose aims wicked, defining this test, as either, protest my demands out; for a fair justice: rights.
This dragon, entering, it is a liar, acknowledged the seriousness of any protest, for the truth. Man facing odds; it at wrongs: this challenge.
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