| General Poetry
posted August 27, 2018 |
The magic of the ocean.
A Place to Be Me
There seems to be a calling that comes from the sea.
With each wave crashing a shore
There plays a melody.
The sea gulls with their squawking becomes a symphony
As I listen to the sounds of the shore
all stress relinquishes from my core
I walk in the sunlight watching it dance upon the sea
The warmth of the sun's rays
Are so inviting to me
Watching children playing in the sand
Seeing lovers romantically holding hands
The feeling that comes from being on the shore
Makes me greedy for more
Of sunshine and sand and waves crashing in
Oh, look there. I spotted a dolphins fin!
How I know there's a part of me
That belongs to the vast, deep, blue sea.
The smell of suntan oil thick in the air
The life guards sit high in their chairs
I bend to seek a sand dollar now broken at my feet.
Why can I never find one still together and complete?
Away in the distance the board walk is in view
A kite flickers in the wind. The colors of red , white and blue.
I hear a small plane flying overhead
Pulling a banner behind it that must be read
I will always cherish the sea, for I know it is the perfect place for me.
I love the ocean!
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