General Poetry posted April 10, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
Actually feeling the brain transition

Brain Slide

by His Grayness

I can feel the chunks of rust breaking off the sides of my brain and sliding into my mind with aching hopes of some magnetic force waiting to pull them together into some unified order of sanity that will yield rich wisdom. Oh how the wisdom yearns to be free to knit itself into bright flags of honor and significance, to flutter gloriously into the spirits of mankind. And the wisdom whispers softly "hush and know love, consider all of God's gifts that wrap you life in smiles! Honor God's love", so soft although so strong that it wraps itself tightly around you, yet see it never brings even the slightest bit of any pain.


Of late, I have been visited with such rare and rich inspirations that I'm so eager to share, in hopes that you will know we at all blessed with the channel of receiving God's guidance, so please keep yours available always! HIS GRAYNESS; Vance
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