Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 17, 2018 Chapters:  ...5 6 -6- 7... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
2 detectives try solving murder mystrey
A chapter in the book Loophole

FOW Play

by Marvin Calloway

An aging, male sleuth and a much younger, female detective solve a murder robbery.

Last line of chapter 5:

Sterling began searching the yellow pages for an inexpensive ambulance company.

                                                                       Chapter 6

                                                           Two Women Employees Are Questioned

      PoliceDetective Amanda Doherty chose Joan Berkowitz to be the next interviewee.
“Please sit over there, Mrs. Berkowicz,” she said, pointing to the swivel chair with the
missing wheel, on the side of the desk with the missing leg.

   Detective Brennan said, ”Please state your full name.”

   “Ms. Joan Berkowtz.”

   “Where do you work?”

   “At the Wilton Savings and Loan.”

   “I'm aware of that. I mean where is your desk?”

   “In my office,” she said.

   “Did someone put you up to this?”

   “What do you mean?”

   “Never mind. Where is your office and don't tell me it's in the bank?”

   “It's in the back.”

   “Now I just said . . . oh, okay. finally. Are you aware of what happened here today?”

   “I know Trudy got shot.”

   “That's teller number two?”

   “Yes. Is she going to be all right?”

   “I'm sorry, I don't have that information. Detective Doherty, call the
hospital and get an update on the status of teller number two, Gertrude
Lascola and the robber. And find out his full name while you're at it.”

   “May I use the phone in your office, Ms. Berkowitz?”

                                                                          < < ^ > >

   Amanda could have used her own phone, but she wanted the opportunity
to familiarize herself with the layout of the bank. She planned on checking
out the sight line from Herman Sterling's office to the entrance to the bank
and the sight line from Sterling's office to Trudy's window.

                                                                          < < ^ > >

   Detective Brennan continued.

   “Did you hear anything that might be important?”

   “Well, things had quieted down by the time I got the courage to see what
was going on. I poked my head around the partition between my office and the teller's area. I saw a man through the front door. . . he was outside holding a gun . . . and facing my way . . . I assumed he was the robber. On the left I could see the hand of someone pointing a gun at him.”

   “That would be his right.”

   “Correct. There was a shot and the robber fell to the ground. I hurried back to my office . . . locked myself in and had another drink.”

   “What kind of drink?”

   “Oh, I shouldn't have told you that.”

   “It's understandable, that you would want a drink under the circumstances.

   “I have a pint of alcohol in my desk.”

   “You seem like the kind of woman who's able to handle her drinks.”

   “Well, it's not every day we get held up.”

                                                                           < < ^ > >

   From the privacy of Ms. Berkowitz's office, Amanda learned that the
robber was struggling for his life and wished to make a statement.
Amanda immediately called headquarters to arrange for a plainclothes
detective to go to Mercy Hospital and take his statement.

                                                                           < < ^ > >

   By the time Amanda got back to the interrogation room the mob had
disbursed and Ms. Berkowitz was gone, having finished her description of events.

   Brennan left the room but, before he closed the door, Amanda saw Rose Anne Zito
seated at the desk, hanging on for dear life.

   Amanda told him about the status of the robber's health and that he wished to
make a statement. Upon hearing that, Brennan commended her for her professionalism.

   “You didn't miss anything, here, Amanda. The custodian, Jamal Farkus, added nothing
important, unless you would enjoy hearing what his new grandson
did for the first time, today.”

   “Please. Not on an empty stomach.”

   “Before we get to Mrs. Zito, what about the status of the teller?”
   “Oh, darn! You should take back my commendation, sir. I was so
excited about the robber wanting to make a statement, I totally forgot
about the teller.”

   Amanda stayed out of the room to call the hospital, again.

                                                                         < < ^ > >

   “Please state your full name for the recorder.”

    ”Ms. Rose Anne Zito.”

   “What is your position here at the bank?”

   “Phone receptionist slash secretary slash errand girl slash coffee maker, and that's only the half of it.”

   “Could you elaborate on that,” Brennan said.

   “I can imagine,” Amanda interjected, as she entered the room. “Excuse us Mrs. Zito.”

   Detective Brennan whispered to Amanda, “Any luck?”

   “They're doing a procedure on him as we speak and they'll call me back as soon as they're done. But, get this! They don't have the teller, ”Gertrude Lascola.”


FS rejected two titles that I used previously: FOW Play & Crime in a Suburb.
it's the same story. Thanks for finding it.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at

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