| Letters and Diary Poetry
posted February 5, 2018 |
Chapters: |
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Tiny Warrior
A chapter in the book Act Of Endurance
A String
Thin string over any box tied into a bow as ribbon;
can bind a gift that wrap cap for your child Birthday:
untie quickly pulling snap out seeing from kid's eyes flow tears.
String straightly fed through needle port pole hooked;
it's not a firm fact can patch up a hole:
abilities to join two cloth pieces burrows as a mole.
String combines with others makes a rope;
looped high not hope hangs a fool slices a dope throat:
ends its fact them of further evils of all their sins.
Strong item found in hospitals each room wound to seal;
to go a lot not by itself not alone walks around:
yielding bounties for purposes I do really love you, thanks.
Long string wrapped about finger to hold a time to remember;
renews a total recall ring reminder:
wedding one line is at family joins in a dance with kin to sing.
Thread extended can cut off neck's breath up choke;
exposing it this red within from zigzag rip throat:
its eventual down drip trip killing a victim.
String used as a thin wire to deliver to a call;
heard clear out item words its fact recall:
shall I answer back by the stretched long line through this cup.
A string ultimate use being a tool hanging straight up a picture;
capture it of a back time sentiment done event about lived:
a break anywhere cut place, it's a mere fracture.
A simple thread, element in existence, used for various things, being tiny it is strong; many performances: able to survive.
one point
and 2 member cents.
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