Self Improvement Non-Fiction posted October 9, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
For my lovely friend

A Pep Talk To My Friend

by patcelaw

My dear friend, I do not fully understand what you have been going through this summer, but one thing I do know is your life still has a purpose.

Right, your script writing for the glory of God is coming to an end, but I am sure just around the corner where you cannot yet see, God may well have a special purpose for your skills.

I know  that I thought my life was over 22 years ago when Wayne died. I thought I would never be able to accomplish some of my hopes and dreams. But you know what? God has used me in ways  those 22 years that were not even in sight. If they had they been in sight, I might have  feared  what He would do. You have been a strong part of that 22 years, as God used you to write my story. For me it was like an awakening when I was filing my story with you and my faith was growing stronger. While my self doubts were being melted by the love of God.

So my lovely friend, fasten the seat belt on your life and enjoy the wonderful and beautiful ride lying ahead. I believe when you get to the gates of glory you will be met by our loving Savior and He will be saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

It is true that Jesus wants us to examine ourselves as to our faith, but I don't think He ever wants us to condemn ourselves.

Even when the ride is bumpy along the way, He has a purpose in it all for our lives, which includes your life.

-Patricia Lawrence


In the almost four years I have know this dear friend, we have had and ongoing and loving relationship. Can we call our relationship, GREAT! You bet we can. I love you for the special lady you are, KG
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