Biographical Poetry posted August 7, 2017

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Yeah, it happens.


by Curt Mongold

With a soul as hard as coal and feeling twice as black,
I came upon a crossroad where the last load broke my back,
I carried it so far it left a scar that never healed,
I lost my trust through lust, a moldy crop left in the field.

Suspended by a rope that held my hope up in the air,
I thought she walked on water 'til I caught her unaware,
the chains of cheating slapped me then entrapped me in the dark,
as truth burned mean like gasoline touched by a tarnished spark.

The tears of she who sinned have blown like wind across my eyes,
the stinging salts of all her faults could not dismiss her lies,
attracted by her promise, unlike Thomas with his doubt,
I dared believe, and now I grieve again, the odd man out.

She didn't hesitate to say she'd wait the time for me,
but sometimes all the plans of man are never meant to be,
she gave in to the sin that others said she would not do,
yet like an open book, it took one look and then I knew.

So now I am alone, a lonely stone tossed out by life,
although I'll never hate the one that I once called my wife.
She loved me then, and that's a memory I'll try to keep,
but sometimes late at night, and out of sight, these eyes still weep.


Break ups are a bitch...
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