General Fiction posted January 25, 2017 |
Exactly 100 words...
Another Hospital Visit
by Cedar
100 Word Story Contest Winner
My wife of fifty years looked at me from her hospital bed and said, "Well, here I am again, this time with a broken ankle. As always, you were right by my side." Then she said, "Come to think about it, you were by my side when I slipped on ice and broke my leg. And, you were also sitting by me when I wrecked the car and broke my arm." After pausing for a moment, she looked me in the eyes with a playful smile and said, "You know Bill, I'm beginning to think that you're bad luck."
Writing Prompt Write a story of 100 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words. |
100 Word Story Contest Winner |
Recognized |
Communication with laughter is one of the key ingredients that holds a marriage together...
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