Is it so wrong to want to dwell where eagles soar?
To offer praise, to live in faith, but still want more?
I need to feel a salt sea spray upon my face,
spelunk a cave, to dive a reef, to run a race
with horses, splendorous in all their might,
(unless a breeze disturbs some grass, gives them a fright...)
I need to know the texture of an oyster, raw,
discover plants in B.C.'s park reserve, Lepas,
or dig for bones of dinosaurs in India -
mine amethyst, blue topaz in Siberia.
I want to swim with dolphins, ride a jet ski and...
I need to grow a peach tree on my neighbor's land
so she will always have delicious fruit to eat;
she's frail and cannot farm herself, but likes the treat.
Will I be here to see it when it starts to bud?
I'm sorry, you can't answer now; they've come for blood.
You see, I'm still a kid and I've been sick a while.
But tell me it's okay to ask, and watch me smile.