Family Poetry posted January 8, 2017

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What would you give to see that smile? (a poem)

To Want More

by Dawn Munro

To Want More

Is it so wrong to want to dwell where eagles soar?
To offer praise, to live in faith, but still want more?
I need to feel a salt sea spray upon my face,
spelunk a cave, to dive a reef, to run a race

with horses, splendorous in all their might,
(unless a breeze disturbs some grass, gives them a fright...)
I need to know the texture of an oyster, raw,
discover plants in B.C.'s park reserve, Lepas,

or dig for bones of dinosaurs in India -
mine amethyst, blue topaz in Siberia.
I want to swim with dolphins, ride a jet ski and...
I need to grow a peach tree on my neighbor's land

so she will always have delicious fruit to eat;
she's frail and cannot farm herself, but likes the treat.
Will I be here to see it when it starts to bud?
I'm sorry, you can't answer now; they've come for blood.

You see, I'm still a kid and I've been sick a while.
But tell me it's okay to ask, and watch me smile.


Video courtesy of YouTube and Sick Kids Hospital -

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