General Fiction posted June 9, 2016 Chapters:  ...32 33 -34- 35... 

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How I love my Granddaughter
A chapter in the book thoughts and feelings in poetry

A Granddaughter For Me

by s.m.kirby

I now have a granddaughter,
Her name is Ryleigh Jean.
She is the most beautiful girl
That I have ever seen.
With her daddy's lips,
Her mamma's nose.
She has a pretty face.
all dressed up in baby pink,
Trimmed in soft white lace.
She is a precious gift
from our Father above.
To him I have a thankful heart,
For my new granddaughter to love.

You're having a grand child writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Most people describe happy moments simply. In reality, they are complicated. We cry at weddings. Why? Because we are happy for them. If we are older there is another reason. They picked the person who is going to help them through life. No life is uncomplicated. This person has to be the one who will love them through the difficult times, not just the celebration of the wedding. We so hope that the choice is right.
Now, we are becoming Grand Parents. What a joy. What a big step in life. Before the world became so mobile, our children lived down the street. Our grand children could walk to our house. Now we sometimes live thousands of miles from the grand children we want to know. We talk to them on face time and hope that they know who we are as they grow up and we see them a couple times a year. Write about yourself as a grand parent, whether you are nearby or far away, that little face that looks like a child you remember. Just write.

Having a husband and three sons and my first born grand child a boy I can only say I am so happy to have a granddaughter.My favorite color is pink.
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